Screenshots and video recordings using this pack may be shared, with or without commercial intent. Attribution is not required but appreciated if you choose to give credit. Server Use: Server owners (or representatives) may distribute this pack as a server-side resource via the server's resource... ByFilmjolk ReleaseR Dec 4, 2021 498.64 KB 3.5M 1.18+1 File Name Supported Versions 1.18-Snapshot 1.18 Changelog Additional Files Related Projects Updated pack for 1.18Added moss xray Added rooted dirt xray Added infested deepslate ...
the idea of not being able to know what they’re digging towards is discouraging to those that don’t want to waste any time. TheXray Ultimate texture packis specifically designed for those that want to see what they are working towards. A nice part about it is the fact that it doesn’... ByFilmjolk ReleaseR May 29, 2023 651.90 KB 1.6M 1.19.4+36 File Name Supported Versions 1.16-Snapshot 1.15-Snapshot 1.19-Snapshot 1.20-Snapshot 1.17-Snapshot 1.18-Snapshot 1.13-Snapshot 1.14-Snapshot 1.19.4-Snapshot 1.19.3-Sn...
Members AlleCraftOwner ###
Server owners (or representatives) may distribute this pack as a server-side resource via the server's resource pack prompt. This excludes hosting it on forums or websites. Prohibited Uses: You may not include any part of this pack in paid products, such as other resource packs, mods, or...
This resourcepack is a Normal X-Ray but is very light and small ! 8 times lighter of normal X-Ray Ultimate Compatible with all texturepack ! you need mod compatibility with a lot of ores ? see here X-ray Bridge You can use a trick for make the ores more visible: (All trick require...