Of course, by that time, the seed was planted into the mind of all those who did not have the chance to the see the whales. So, against all odds and the weather, we went out again the next morning. After roaming the southernmost point for a while, we found them. To our surprise,...
Once the Leatherbacks begin to emerge from the sea, the time can speed by quickly with the intensity of running up and down the beach, filming, watching, etc. So, a glance at a watch surprises most when dawn is near. A Pacific sunrise on a remote beach can be a vision never to fo...
The tell-tale sign of this is that every time you kick, it feels like both tanks are waggling behind you like an unbalanced trailer on your car. Also, to reach your tank valves, it will feel like you are trying to fish something out of the back pocket of a pair of jeans that are...
Others argued that fish could not feel pain because sometimes a fish will bite a baited hook a second time, after being unhooked and thrown back into the sea. But, while it may be obvious to the fisherman what he is doing, how could it be obvious to the fish? These men assumed...
The atmosphere is pleasantly relaxed yet laden with tickling expectations of what the baskets may bring up next time. Many of the men around me are a weatherbeaten veteran of the offshore or salvage industry. Sturdy, with grey hair and furrowed faces they radiate all the experience and hard ...
González first learned scuba diving as part of his university studies on biology, but it was a National Geographic documentary about the discovery, by underwater explorer James Coke, of an ancient fireplace 30 metres below the surface that inspired him. “For me this was unbelievable,” says ...
Hires and Leonard split the jobs up: Leonard handled manufacturing while Hires managed sales and education. “We had a very simple rule when we started Dive Rite,” said Hires. “We were divers first. We, therefore, set out to build gear the way we needed the gear to be.” Everything...
Yet, I will always remember the warmth of the Solomon Islanders as they shared their ocean realm with me. Info Location: NE off Australia 5-12 degrees south of equator Day time temperature: 28–32°C Water temperature: 28-30°C Language: English and Pidgin English Visas: Onward ticket requ...
Great Jobs You Can Do While Traveling the World Sponsored : Sarah Daren Diving in Nassau - Where to Go Sponsored : PokerStars staff Jobs Where You Can Travel the World and Dive Sponsored : Sarah Daren Meaning, strategies, concepts, and pedagogical tools in the science classroom Sponsored ...
One of them, David Dixon, has previously been associated with offshore jobs but the others, from what is known, have never carried out work with wrecks. Comex May 8. 2003. The world-renowned French salvage company Comex’ vessel Janus arrives at Porto Azzurro on Elba to search for Poll...