Cannot find dependencies of my applications... Depends.exe describes problems... Cannot open file winmm.lib Visual Studio 2017 Cannot open include file: 'afxwin.h Cannot open include file: 'intrin.h': No such file or directory Cannot open include file: 'resource.h': No such file or direct...
Screen0" here describes your whole virtual display made of these two outputs: eDP-1-1: physicalscreen HDMI-1-1: physicalscreenplugged to a HDMI output (noticeScreen0is 3286 pixel wide, which is 1366 + 1920, the two other outputs horizontal pixels) I guess you want to useHDMI-1-1as pri...
AxImp Error: Did not find a registered ActiveX control in Base64 encoding. Basic build issue: 0 successful, 1 up to date, no output Best C++ Obfuscators? Binary com over serial port bitwise shift read first 4 bits Boost Serialization and MFC: “cannot open file 'libboost_serialization-vc141...