source (双阳极X-射线源) 与及 Electron gun for AES (电子枪以作俄歇电子能谱分析)。 聚焦式扫瞄X-射线源 (Focus X-ray Source) – Versaprobe标准配备 以ULVAC-PHI 专利设计的扫瞄式 X-射线, 让光电子能谱也可以作出有效率的微区分析。 图6 Versaprobe上聚焦扫瞄 X-射线的设置产生过程 * JP Patents P...
除仪器标准配备的 Focus Scanning X-ray Source (聚焦扫瞄式X-射线源) ,Argon sputter ion gun (氩离子枪)与Low Energy Electron Neutralizer (低能量电子中和枪)之外, 还供研究人员可选择的包括有 Hot/Cold Stage (加热冷却样品台),UHV sample preparation chambers (超高真...
除仪器标准配备的 Focus Scanning X-ray Source (聚焦扫瞄式X-射线源) ,Argon sputter ion gun (氩离子枪)与Low Energy Electron Neutralizer (低能量电子中和枪)之外, 还供研究人员可选择的包括有 Hot/Cold Stage (加热冷却样品台),UHV sample preparation chambers (超高真空预抽与气体反应室), Ar2500 GCIB...
三、光源(X-ray Source) XPS仪器中常用的光源是非单色X射线源,如Al Kα源或Mg Kα源。光源的选择直接影响到测量结果的准确性和分辨率。较好的光源能够提供更高的光子能量和更窄的能谱峰宽,从而提高分析的精确度。 四、取样方式(Sampling Mode) XPS分析中常用的取样方式有全谱(Survey)和高分辨(High Resolution...
In XPS, a monochromatic X-ray source, typically Al Kαor Mg Kα, is used to irradiate the sample. The X-rays interact with the core electrons of the atoms in the sample, causing them to be ejected. The kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectrons is measured using an electron analyzer...
The apparent binding energy shifts of the peaks are then calculated for this source, and also for the Al and Mg unmonochromated x-ray sources, using full synthetic K alpha x-ray structures, as a function of Gaussian spectrometer energy resolutions in the range 0.21.5 eV. For all three x-...
Switching from the Al monochromatic X-ray source (1486.6 eV) to the Mg achromatic X-ray source (1253.3 eV) is a simple matter, thereby moving the Auger lines 233 eV relative to the photoelectron lines. However, the introduction of X-ray satellites, which are intrinsic to all achromatic ...
2) X-ray Source:monochromaticAl K(alpha) at 1486.6 eV, non-monochromatic Mg K(alpha), Zr L, He(I), He(II), synchrotron tunable source set at ‘x’ kV 3) X-ray Power:15 mA and 15 kV, 225 W (= 15mA x 15 kV) 4) Spectrometer Calibration Details:The instrument work function was...
The apparent binding energy shifts of the peaks are then calculated for this source, and also for the Al and Mg unmonochromated x-ray sources, using full synthetic K x-ray structures, as a function of Gaussian spectrometer energy resolutions in the range 0.2–1.5 eV. For all three x-ray ...
X-rav source: Ms KotJ-SiOi sample 丨Si 2s 一ISi 2pKKH)KOO10(2(X1birding I neiwv (eV)OKLL Auger 丿0 KLL for Mg M 743eVO KLLfoi AIK“ at 976eV4. 自旋-轨道分裂(SOS自旋-轨道分裂是一初态效应。对于具有轨道角动量的轨道电子,将会发生自旋(s)磁场与轨道角动量(I)的耦合。总角动量 j =...