Recently, I have had a number of questions on this and I am happy to confirm that Office “12” will support a native Save as XPS feature in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher, Visio, OneNote and InfoPath. This, of course, raises a whole bunch of additional questions for me t...
分享3赞 xps吧 贴吧用户_Q18G2WG 电脑小白最近想入手XPS,请问下大佬们咋选配置:本人马上研究生入学,想买台轻薄本,主要用Excel,spss等统计分析软件,想入xps,16+512是肯定的,以下几个配置怎么选1.买9300还是9500,有点纠结,9500除了尺寸重量外,好像性能会强一些,看着更爽,续航好像9500会好一些?但是便携性就差了...
(三款机器的雷电3主控制器型号均为DLS 6340) 具体表现为,9350、9550、5510无法通过USB 3.2 GEN2(10Gbps)等全功能 C to C线缆连接戴尔在2019年及其之后推出的全功能Type-C显示器实现一线连功能,连接后仅支持充电和USB数据,没有视频信号传输,无法拓展屏幕画面。 即戴尔内部常 分享12 贴吧数码吧 傲娇 轻薄本的...
Update 1:As of March 23rd, 2016, Dell has released an update for the WiFi driverhere. This update seems to fix many of the WiFi-related problems that plagued my experience with the laptop earlier. In its current state, I have few remaining issues with the XPS 15 and would increase the...
I have had a number of questions on this and I am happy to confirm that Office “12” will support a native Save as XPS feature in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher, Visio, OneNote and InfoPath. This, of course, raises a whole bunch of additional questions for me to answer:...