X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Reference Pages: Spin Orbit Splitting (xpsfitting.com) XPS分峰拟合原则-5-双峰拟合-注意自旋轨道分裂峰_哔哩哔哩_bilibili XPS4.pdf (ustc.edu.cn) X射线光电子能谱中的分峰处理 (pku.edu.cn)
Intensity and binding energy of Ru3d3/2 peak is set by the Ru3d5/2 peak, according to the spin-orbit splitting and ratio. Remainder of intensity under at Ru3d3/2 energy can then be attributed to carbon.Reference [1] AV Shchukarev and DV Korolkov, CEJC 2(2) 2004 347-362...
Fig. 2|Zn 3d spectral region in different gas compositions and probing depths. Fig. 3|Spin-orbit splitting in native polycrystalline ZnOx and brass sample and temperature-dependent behavior of Zn on active Zn/ZnO/Cu(211). Fig. 4|Reaction intermediates probed in the C 1s region. Fig. 5|Sc...
Fig. 2|Zn 3d spectral region in different gas compositions and probing depths. Fig. 3|Spin-orbit splitting in native polycrystalline ZnOxand brass sample and temperature-dependent behavior of Zn on active Zn/ZnO/Cu(211). Fig. 4|R...
第一个问题是关于spin-orbit splitting, total momentum j =??l + s。第二个问题, 伴峰和分裂峰的出现是由于final state effects, 比如shake up, multiplet splitting, 前者经常会导致伴峰的出现,而shake up发生的机率跟费米能级附近的电子密度有关,通常密度越大(比如d轨道)几率就越大。而后者会产生分离峰,...
Spin-orbit splitting: 3.3-3.7 eV. Linewidth: 1.2-1.8 eV. Area ratio: Pt 4f7/2 : Pt 4f5/2 = 4:3。 Chemical states: Pt(0): 71.2-71.8 eV. Pt(II): 72.0-72.6 eV. Pt(IV): 73.2-73.8 eV. Pt(VI): 74.0-74.6 eV. 中文回答: Pt 4f XPS拟合参数: 结合能,71.2-74.3 eV. 自旋轨道分...
那里的S.O.S(spin orbit splitting)表示灵敏度因子。
Ga3d peak has overlapping spin-orbit components (Δ=0.46eV, intensity ratio=0.633). Splitting is observable for elemental gallium, but may be ignored for gallium compounds. Ga3d overlaps strongly with In4d (17eV) and O2s (23.5eV) regions. ...
The In 3d spectrum exhibits two contributions, 3d5/2 and 3d3/2 (resulting from the spin–orbit splitting), located at respectively 444.7 and 452.2 eV(Figure 2a, bottom),which can be assigned to InP. The P 2p spectrum(Figure 2b, bottom) clearly evidences the presence of two chemical envir...