Because of the strong interdiffusion and chemical reaction, the overlayer on the GaAs substrate for the sample grown at 450 K is dominated by an Mn-Ga-As mixed layer, and no pure Mn area can be found on the top of the surface. The formation mechanism of y-Mn grown on GaAs(001) ...
论文2:Formation of CuMn Prussian Blue Analog Double-Shelled Nanoboxes Toward Long-Life Zn-ion Batteries 图3 Mn2p分峰拟合结果 这篇论文发表在了Angewan上,而且作者中也有不少大牛,说明整体工作是非常好的,我们这里只对XPS部分进行简单的分析。本文中,作者制备了一种CuMn普鲁士蓝类似物,为了表征材料中Mn的...
此外,非活性 Mn4+的存在导致阳离子氧化还原的减少,这可能导致氧化还原反应中氧的高参与。参考文献 Li, Y., Hu, Y., Zhao, Y., & Zhang, J. (2020). In situ and operando X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies of electrode materials for rechargeable batteries. Chemical Society Reviews, 49(11),...
当放电到 1.5 V 时,该峰消失,证明了氧氧化还原反应具有良好的可逆活性。此外,非活性 Mn4+的存在导致阳离子氧化还原的减少,这可能导致氧化还原反应中氧的高参与。 参考文献 Li, Y., Hu, Y., Zhao, Y., & Zhang, J. (2020). In situ and operando X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies of electrode...
Presents a study which focused on the 2p3/2 X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) of Mn2+, Mn3+, and Mn4+ ions of some Mn-bearing oxides and oxyhydroxides, including manganite and synthetic birnessite. Information on experimental procedures used; What controls the formation rate of birnessite; ...
XPS表征手册一般采用:Chastain, Jill, andRoger C. King, eds. Handbook of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: a reference book of standard spectra for identification and interpretation of XPS data. Eden Prairie, MN: Physical Electronics, 1995.
Calculated Mn(2p3/2) X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) of Mn2+, Mn3+, and Mn4+free ions are strikingly similar to Mn(2p3/2) spectra of Mn2+-, Mn3+-, and Mn4+-oxides and oxyhydroxides, indicating that these ions adopt high spin states in MnO, manganite, and birnessite. The Mn...
(c) 1999 XPS International, Inc.Handbook of The Elements and Native OxidesBE Lookup Table for Signals from Elements and Common Chemical Species82.0Brloss101.8SiAlmand.119.4Galoss137.8Pb2O3158.9Y2(CO3)3181.0Ge3s204.1NbNbO235.3MgAuger82.0Mn3s101.9Hg4f119.4TlCO3137.8SeAuger159.2BiNtv Ox181.1Zr3d...
论文2:Formation of CuMn Prussian Blue Analog Double-Shelled Nanoboxes Toward Long-Life Zn-ion Batteries 图3 Mn2p分峰拟合结果 这篇论文发表在了Angewan上,而且作者中也有不少大牛,说明整体工作是非常好的,我们这里只对XPS部分进行简单的分析。本文中,作者制备了一种CuMn普鲁士蓝类似物,为了表征材料中Mn的...