Carbon-based compounds are the basis for all living systems and comprise the structure of fossil fuels in the form of hydrocarbons. Several carbon isotopes are important. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry designated the isotope C-12 as the basis for atomic weights, whi...
Firstly, XPS Spectroscopy usually starts with a survey that looks at the full energy range scan at highest sensitivity. Therefore, we can identify and quantifies elements at surface. Secondly, we typically use high resolution XPS analysis to determine the bonding state where we use narrow scans ...
The precursors used were molybdenum, bismuth, indium, triethanolamine in complex form and sodium selenosulphite as a source of Mo4+, Bi3+, In3+ and Se2 along with organic additives, respectively. The...doi:10.1139/v11-107S. M. Patil...
XPS spectra are, for the most part, quantified in terms of peak intensities and peak positions. The peak intensities measure how much of a material is at the surface, while the peak positions indicate the elemental and chemical composition. Other values, such as the full width at half ...
Full size image The present study benefitted from the unique suite of soil samples virtually differing only in soil age and particle surface elemental composition that allowed observing and quantifying BGI formation. XPS with an analysis depth close to CA analysis depth, in fact, proved to be a...
Australia cDepartment of Chemistry, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5B7 a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 7 June 2010 Received in revised form 23 July 2010 Accepted 23 July 2010 Available online 1 August 2010 Keywords: XPS Peak fitting Tran...
The "E Tougaard" or "E" background type is such a simplification, where the loss functional form is a Gaussian. The parameters in the cross-section list are the Gaussian height, full-width-half-maximum, exponential tail parameter and an offset to the Gaussian. The exponential tail is ...
The influence of the middle-energy Ar+-ion bombardment is also studied for Cu2HgGeTe4 compound because such surface treatments are generally employed in epitaxial technologies [57]. Access through your organization Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access ...
in the presence of ethanol under full film lubrication, due to the reduction in the lubricant's viscosity, but under boundary lubrication friction was higher for oils contaminated with ethanol [17]. Since those results suggested an interaction of ethanol with the anti-wear additive present in the...
The spot size in the measurement was 3 x 1mm. The use of dispersion compensation yielded the instrumental resolution of 0.5 eV with full width at half-maximum on the Ag3d line of silver. Multiple scan averaging on a multi- channel analyzer helped to guarantee accurate data for the valence ...