XPS, AES and Auger parameter of Pd and PdO. Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena, 104(1--3): 55--60.M. Brun, A. Berthet and J. C. Bertolini, XPS, AES and Auger parameter of Pd and PdO, J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom., 1999, 104, 55-60....
XPS,AESandAugerparameterofPdandPdO * M.Brun,A.Berthet,J.C.Bertolini InstitutdeRecherchessurlaCatalyse–CNRS,2av.AlbertEinsteinF-69626VilleurbanneCedexFrance Received19May1998;receivedinrevisedform21September1998;accepted27October1998 Abstract AugerandX-rayphotoelectronspectraofpalladiumandpalladiumoxidewererecod...
It should be noted that static charge corrections are cancelled when using the Auger parameter. In the case of Pd, the BE value of the Pd3d5/2 core level measured by XPS and the KE one of the M4,5VV Auger structure are the most widely used to compare different systems [1], [2]....
This paper reports an XPS surface study of pure phase BiFeO3 thin film produced and later etched by pure argon ions. Analysis of high-resolution spectra from Fe 2p, Bi 4f and 5d, O 1s, and the valence band, exhibited mainly Fe3+ and Bi3+ components, but