【Xplane12 飞行记录】“追逐风的时候我也短暂地飞过” -友和通道航空747-200 B-2450 243 0 00:26 App 【Xplane12 飞行记录】Felis 747-200 银河航空 Grandstar Cargo 涂装预览-试降 RCTP 486 0 00:28 App 【Xplane12 飞行记录】Felis 747-200 RCSS 着陆比较轻柔的一集 169 0 01:18 App 【Xplan...
航线:ZGGG-ZSPD 模拟器:X-Plane12 机模:Felis-Boeing 747-200 Classic 飞行时长:01:50 接地率:-146,G力 1.09 新年首飞,大家新年快乐呀!游戏 单机游戏 波音 模拟飞行 XP12 X-PLANE12 B742 ZSPD 落地 Boeing 上海浦东 Felis一个哈迷 发消息 【迎新年】你别走,今晚留下来陪我! 梦幻经理人0.1折 ...
XPLANE11:巨型客机波音747-200,起飞后引擎故障坠机 是在优酷播出的资讯高清视频,于2021-02-20 09:24:57上线。视频内容简介:XPLANE11:巨型客机波音747-200,起飞后引擎故障坠机
波音B747-400大型喷气式飞机,有3种涂装 拥有3种涂装的庞巴迪CRJ200支线喷气式飞机 道格拉斯DC-3客机,带全互动驾驶舱+ 3种涂装 麦克唐纳道格拉斯MD-80,带3种涂装 A-10雷电II(“疣猪”)战斗机 F-22猛禽战斗机 F-4幻影II战斗机 Beechcraft Baron B58,带全互动驾驶舱 比奇空中国王C90B 派珀PA-18超级幼崽 比亚...
不是x-plane 10自带的那个747机模,是747-100和200型的,x-plane.org上也是卖10多刀,驾驶舱不是很精致但也不错,外观做的还不错链接:http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=218723&uk=2233737904 5楼2013-01-18 10:28 回复 lud27 CPL 5 A350XWB介绍:A350为一款设计为与波音777及787竞争的长程中型...
Boeing 747-400 This aircraft in the X-Plane mobile app is a wide-body commercial jet airliner and cargo aircraft. The 400 variant is the most common passenger version in service. It has an intercontinental range of 7,260 nautical miles and can accommodate between 416-660 passengers. Details ...
Boeing 747-400 This aircraft in the X-Plane mobile app is a wide-body commercial jet airliner and cargo aircraft. The 400 variant is the most common passenger version in service. It has an intercontinental range of 7,260 nautical miles and can accommodate between 416-660 passengers. Details ...
and the SSG Boeing 748 had loads of incremental upgrades all year. The most notable was the Rotate MD-11 with several updates and the revisedRotate MD-88 Prowas also very welcome in May. The Felis Boeing 747-200, also had many an update right throughout the year, and some quite consi...