The invention relates to an inlet pipe device for an internal combustion engine having a cylinder head (1) and including, individually for each cylinder, curved inlet pipes (3) which envelop injection valves (4) by means of their concave moulding, optimised from the point of view of its dime...
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题目Most students spend their school days sitting at desks learning. Aurelious Woolfolk, however, does a lot more than sit at a desk when he is in school. He scrambles up high ladders, walks down the sides of buildings, and rides in a fire engine. He is learnin...
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M-stopped fluid, a silica filler, a calcium carbonate filler, and gammaaminopropyl triethoxysilane cures at room temperature in the presence of a tin catalyst and a cross-linking agent to form an RTV elastomer having good adhesion and retainable tensile strength in the presence of hot engine ...
Load adjustment device for an internal combustion engine controlled by throttle valve A load adjustment device for an internal combustion engine includes a throttle valve (4) which can be acted on via a the setting element (8) on the accelerator-pedal side and, also by an electromotive setting...