索尼Xperia PRO-I(12GB/512GB/全网通/5G版) 参考价格:¥10999 价格仅供参考,请以当地实际销售产品价格为准。 商家名称 合作年限 联系方式 所在地 同品牌最热机型 索尼Xperia 1 V(12GB/256GB) ¥8999 索尼Xperia Note ¥暂无报价 索尼Xperia 5 III(8GB/256GB/全网通/5G版) ...
索尼(SONY)SONY Xperia1 IV 120HzHDR OLED智能拍照手机全面屏库存非原封 黑色 港版 12GB+256GB 20条评价 索尼(SONY)Xperia PRO-I 5G原生谷歌双待拍照智能手机4K屏双卡双待 库存机 Xperia Pro-1 12+512GB 国版原封 2条评价 索尼(SONY)索尼SONY Xperia1V 4K 第五代 120Hz OLED宽屏电影感影库存非原...
我手里这款索尼Xperia 1 IV就有超广和长焦,准确的说有三个摄像头,分别是16mm超广角镜头,24mm主摄...
only to be somewhat handcuffed on actually using its entire resolution. The Xperia Pro-I is one of the best phone cameras you can buy, but at that price, you have to weigh
758 9 3:32 App ePrice - Sharp P1 台灣上市記者會 手機特色解說 - YouTube 410 2 10:25 App 【L BS】HTC 10 vs LG G5 - Speed Test Comparison Review!-YouTub 1.4万 134 9:24 App 索尼Xperia PRO-I:“天气凉了 我感觉我又行了!” | 来围观一下看看什么叫微单手机 796 3 5:48 App Sams...
SONY 索尼 Xperia PRO-I 5G手机 12GB+512GB 黑色 SONY 索尼 Xperia PRO-I 5G手机 12GB+512GB 黑色 3599元起 看百科 去购买 SONY 索尼 Xperia 1 III 5G手机 SONY 索尼 Xperia 1 III 5G手机 3099元起 看百科 去购买 SONY 索尼 Xperia 1 IV 5G手机 第一代骁龙8 SONY 索尼 Xperia 1 IV 5G手机 ...
SuuperBaka, 31 Oct 2021Honestly, a Sony Xperia Pro R or Alpha R might be something... moreIf the brought full spectrum sensor with removable uv/ir/visible lens, it would be worth the price for me. Now its just so boring, opposite of what you would expect from mobile photography - hi...
Glen, 26 Oct 2021Some people are whining about the price as if they were being pressured by Sony to buy this on... morebut some of them can still buy the Z fold 3 or any other fold smartphone at higher price tag and it's not even close to Xperia Pro-i in camera department! Re...
Sort By Relevance Popularity Price -- Low to High Price -- High to Low Newest First Currently unavailable Add to Compare SONY Xperia XA Dual (Lime Gold, 16 GB) 3.84,179 Ratings & 1,031 Reviews 2 GB RAM | 16 GB ROM | Expandable Upto 200 GB 12.7 cm (5 inch) HD Display 13MP Rea...
Sony Xperia Pro - user opinions and reviews ? Anonymous 64i 06 Nov 2024 with Sony phone's share 3 % in Japan, you're saying others don't get it. wow. While I'm curious about their phone, the price tag seems outrageous... unless I actually own it (?) That's a big risk ...