Download XpdfReader: Linux 64-bit:download(GPG signature) Windows 32-bit (Win 7 and newer):download(GPG signature) Windows 64-bit (Win 7 and newer):download(GPG signature) Download the Xpdf command line tools: Linux 32/64-bit:download(GPG signature) ...
All of the open source tools are available for Linux, Windows, and Mac.The viewer (xpdf / XpdfReader) uses the Qt toolkit.HistoryXpdf was first released in 1995. It was written, and is still developed, by Derek Noonburg.Copyright 2025 Glyph & Cog, LLC ...
sudo apt update sudo apt install xpdf-tools 这将安装Xpdf套件及其所有组件。 六、常见问题及解决方法 下载速度慢或无法下载:可能是网络连接问题或源服务器不稳定导致的。可以尝试更换网络环境或使用镜像源进行下载。 安装失败:可能是由于系统依赖缺失或版本不兼容导致的。可以查看安装日志,根据错误提示安装缺失的依赖...
下载xpdf和xpdf-chinese-simplified.tar.gz,然后将xpdf-chinese-simplified.tar.gz解压到xpdf所在的目录形成一个子目录 The following packages are available: Arabic:xpdf-arabic.tar.gz(1058 bytes) Chinese/simplified:xpdf-chinese-simplified.tar.gz(835807 bytes) Chi...
export PATH=.:/application/mysql/bin:$SWF_TOOLS_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PAT 4、刷新profile,使得新配置的环境变量生效。 [root@zjHost bin]# vim /etc/profile 四、安装和配置xpdf语言包 1、下载xpdf-chinese-simplified.tar.gz文件,解压到/usr/local/share下 ...
If you are redistributing unmodified copies of Xpdf (or any of the Xpdf tools) in binary form, you need to include all of the documentation: README, man pages (or help files), COPYING, and COPYING3. If you want to incorporate the Xpdf source code into another program (or create a ...
COPYING3 for GPL v3. Please note that Xpdf is NOT licensed under "any later version" of the GPL, as I have no idea what those versions will look like. If you are redistributing unmodified copies of Xpdf (or any of the Xpdf tools) in binary form, you need to include all of the ...
1. Unix Systems (includingMac OS X, Cygwin, and MSys on Windows) Please read *both*`UPGRADE.UNIX' and `INSTALL.UNIX' to install or upgrade FreeType 2 on aUnix system. Note that you *need* GNU Make for automaticcompilation, since other make toolswon't work ...
You may have already downloaded and installed the Xpdf tools while watching thefirstorsecondvideo in the Xpdf series , but if you haven't, then visit the Xpdf website at: Click the Download link and then click the pre-compiled Windows binary ZIP archive to...
This package provides support files needed to use the Xpdf tools with Chinese (Simplified) PDF files. Contents: - Adobe-GB1 character collection support - ISO-2022-CN encoding - EUC-CN encoding - GBK encoding Place all of these files in a directory, typically: ...