Artist 12 (2nd Gen) Micro Chip in Pen Mega Power in Creation Watch the video >> X3 smart chip stylus Sharp, Stable, Precise A new generation marks a new beginning. The Artist Series encourage creators to express themselves in an authentic way and courageously pursue their distinctive dreams. ...
品牌:XPPen 商品名称:XPPenArtist 12 商品编号:10042403212088 店铺:XPPen官方旗舰店 货号:819040197 类别:数位屏 感应方式:电磁式 压感等级:8192M 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 本商品质保期周期主品1年质保,在此时间范围内可提交维修申请,具体请以厂家服务为准。
Der niedrigste Preis fürXP-Pen Artist Display 12beträgt derzeit159,99 €. Dies ist der günstigste Preis im Vergleich zu 2 anderen Shops. Vergleiche: XP-Pen Zeichentablets Spezifikationen Produkt ProduktnameXP-Pen Artist Display 12
XP-Pen【日本直邮 日本发货】数位屏 数位板手绘板绘画屏 网课手写板 写字板电子绘板 Artist 12图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
XP-Pen Artist 12Pro Graphics Monitor Creative Power is on Your Side. A perfect display that suits the beginner. Features a super-portable screen with an 11.6-inch display area and a convenient 3-in-1 cable design. There’s no need to use any adapter and it quickly connects to your compu...
Artist Series Pen Display (2nd Gen) Open mind, sense dreams. Meet new Artist, dream new dreams. A new generation introduces a new chapter. The Artist Series Pen Display (2nd Gen) upholds our mission to support you to follow your dreams, be bold, and express your true self. ...
Color:ARTIST 12 PRO Product sellpoints Passive Pen Technology:The passive pen offers a natural feel, making digital drawing feel like traditional art. 11.6 Inch IPS Display:A 11.6 inch IPS display with 1920x1080 resolution for a realistic drawing experience. ...
未点亮屏幕的话 XPPen Artist 更像一款数位板 从侧面看这款数位屏非常的轻薄,尺寸大约是 346mm x 209mm ,重量 825g 这样的大小和重量,甚至可以装到包里当做便携屏使用 背部有四个硅胶防滑条,可以更好的增加摩擦力 背部没有散热孔,可以看出 XPPen Artist 使用的主控还是比较好的,不会发出很高的热量 ...
产品使用教程 | XPPen数位板Deco Pro二代连线&驱动安装(MAC版) 05:30 产品使用教程 | XPPen数位屏Artist 22 Plus连线&驱动安装(Windows版) 03:53 产品使用教程 | XPPen数位屏Artist Pro 16 (2.5K)二代连接&驱动安装 05:26 产品使用教程 | XPPen数位屏Artist Pro 16连线&驱动安装 (Windows版) 03:33...
以前啊,我总是对着冰冷的电脑屏幕,手握着鼠标或触控板,试图在像素的海洋里寻找那份手绘的温暖与自由。但讲真,那感觉就像是在溜冰场上跳芭蕾,虽然也能跳,但总觉得差点意思。💃❄️ 而XPPen Artist 12二代,简直是为我这种手绘党量身定制的梦幻装备!首先,这屏幕,清晰度感人到不行!1080P的高清分辨率...