Chatr is an open-source XP Bot for Discord! Topics mysql express typescript discord discord-bot ejs discord-js discord-typescript discord-xp discord-xp-bot Resources Readme License MIT license Activity Stars 2 stars Watchers 1 watching Forks 1 fork Report repository Cont...
Ghostybot A Custom Discord bot with a lot of commands for Discord communities. (+140 commands) Economy, util, fun, music, admin, xp system, welcome messages, audit-logs and more! You are not allowed to upload this bot to any service such as discordbotlist or, you are only al...
Discord push rank bot Simple self-bot for pushing discord rank on any discord server Please note that self-bot is against Discord T&C. I am not responsible if your account getting banned or some shit, so do it with your own risk
This rate is a more accurate Granite rate and adds value for the Smithing rate. Other Changes Attack/Strength:Slayer ratio from .47 to .55 Swimming rates now assume 230 tears per hour (166,405 Thieving and 46,230 Agility.) Be sure to follow @CMLBot and join our Discord for the lates...
一个用TypeScript编写的Custom Discord机器人,其中包含许多Discord社区的命令。 (+210命令)经济,实用,娱乐,音乐,管理,xp系统,欢迎消息,审核日志等等! 免责声明(如果是自托管的) 您无权将此机器人上载到discordbotlist或top.gg等任何服务,而只能为您的社区托管该机器人。 当自托管时,将不提供任何支持。 目录: ...
Here's how you can use the Discord-Simple-API:const Discord = require('discord-simple-api'); const discordClient = new Discord('YOUR_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN');To obtain your Discord token, paste this code into your browser's URL bar while Discord is open on the web:...
Working EASY BOT XP/CAMO GLITCH IN BLACK OPS COLD WAR SEASON 5 (BOCW GLITCHES) - go to vs bots and press start - press the ps5 button and go to quickplay menu and press square on the onslaught nuketown - then let your friend join you need to change the map as example to zoo wit...
推荐一个好用的api中转:https://yansd666.top价格仅相当于官方的1/8,4omini(1快钱800万token), 视频播放量 66、弹幕量 1、点赞数 2、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 烟神殿殿主, 作者简介 yansd666。top,相关视频:【观看不适预警】Windows是最脑残最
实体类如下: public class OsEntity { private String Filesystem; private String Used; private String Mounted; ...get() and set() } 表中数据 filesystemusedmounted test.txt50/file test2.txt60/file1 test3.txt50/file2 test4.txt80/file3 第一种 ...
瑞典-斯堪的纳维亚山脉机场 ESKS XP11RUNAWAYBOT SCENERIES X-Plane € 14.90 $ £ ¥ 智利-圣地亚哥市 & 阿图罗梅里诺-贝尼特斯国际机场 SCEL 2020 XP X-PLANE 11AEROSOFT GMBH X-Plane € 18.00 $ £ ¥ 加拿大-圣约翰国际机场 CYYT X-PLANE 11JUSTASIA ...