Includes all necessary components for a hassle-free replacement process Features: |Epson Expression Home Xp 420|Epson Xp 430| **Optimized Performance and Reliability** The T3661 Waste Ink Maintenance Box is a crucial component for Epson Expression Home XP series printers, designed to enhance the ...
Designed specifically for original maintenance ink tank,reset at 15% ink to save printing cost. Product Name : Maintenance Tank Chip Resetter Warranty : 1:1 Replace Any Defective Cartridge Number : T3661 Suitable Printers : For Epson XP-6000 XP-6005 XP-6100 XP-6105 XP-8500 XP-8505 XP-8600...
Specifications: Brand: WanNian Hero Product name: Maintenance Box Chip Resetter Cartridge Number: T3661 EPMB1 Suitable Models: Compatible with Epson XP-8500, XP-8600, XP15000, XP15080, XP15010, XP6000, XP6005, XP6001, EP-879AW, EP880AB Performance: Efficiently resets maintenance box chips Des...
fast, large size previewing and slideshows, as well as EXIF metadata display in Windows Explorer and full integration with Windows Search, which let users locate RAW files by author, tags, camera model, date taken etc., instantly, from any Explorer "search" box in Windows Vista or Windows ...
This is a NEW OEM Epson CDR Print Tray that originally shipped with the following Epson printer(s): XP-821, XP-830, XP-860, XP-860, XP-960. This is NOT a generic or knock off CDR Print Tray. If you do not see your model number listed above, please send us a message...
Epson 7500|Epson Xp 6000 Maintenance Box|Compatibility:Fits Epson L18050 and XP600 printers, ensuring seamless integration with your DTF setup. Reviews Due to our system upgrades, this content is currently unavailable in your region. Related items ...
HDU:USP一个HDU包括16块硬盘,称为一个BOX,这16块硬盘接在两个光纤环路上 CSW(CacheSwitchPCB):连接前端卡或后端卡到cache的设备. 每个群集设置有两个暗娼,每个CSW可以连接4个高速缓存。 CSW通过连接仲裁可以切换任意从高速缓存路连接到前端适配器或后端磁盘适配器的路径。这里很绕,说白了就是通道卡到达缓存的路径...
Printer T3661 Maintenance Box for XP-6000/XP-6001/XP-6005/XP-6100/XP-6105 XP-8500/XP-8600 XP970 Waste Ink Cartridge Shipping, arrives in 3+ days Canon CLI-36 Original Ink Cartridge Add $21.28current price $21.28Canon CLI-36 Origi...
HDS存储按照硬件原件分为DKC FRAME和DKU FRAME DKC FRAME可以分为DKC(logic box),operator panel,SVP,DKU R0,电池组,电源组,风扇组. DKC逻辑分为前cluster1和后cluster2,包含SM,CM,CSW,DKA,CHA这些部件. HDS 9900V存储硬件图 DKC: DKU: DKC Logic Box (cluster1的端口编号为1A,3A,5A,7A,1B,3B,5B,7B...
EcoTank Ink Maintenance Box ภาพรวม รายงานไอเท็ม กล่องบำรุงรักษาหมึก ecotank C13T04D100 T04D100สำหรับ ET-2700 Epson ET-2750 ET-4750 ET-3700 ET-3750 XP-5100 L6160 L6190 L61...