This one resembles with another Bit one: we are to calculate sum, so we consider bit by bit: at bit[i], it contributes bit[i] << i to the final sum.. Lesson learnt: 1) power2 can be moduled too; 2)VISUALIZE the problem space\process in your mind - it is crucial. #include <...
Sum vs XOR 要求找出所有x <= n x + n = x ^ n的个数。 首先如果n的二进制是100101010 n = 298 这样的话 先考虑最高位的1,如果x在同一个位上也是1,就是x是100000000这样的话,是不行的,因为异或并不能使那一位变成...
For queryK,PandR, he has to print the value of theKPRsumwhich can be described as given below. As the value of theKPRsumcan be large. So, print it modulus(109+7). KPRsum=∑i=PR−1∑j=i+1R(K⊕(A[i]⊕A[j])) Input Format The first line contains an integerN, i.e., the...
Tony's Log HackerRank "AND xor OR" Actually I think problem statement is somewhat misleading. No need to mention range [L, R] at all. The intention is a variation to "Largest Rectangle" which is a classic stack problem on LeetCode. But you need to run Largest Rectangle twice: increased...
妈蛋,上诉解法有误。。。如果我选的数小于L呢? 所以不行的。比如L=10,R=15,标准答案是7。而我的答案是15。。。CF没有L限定,所以可以过。这个题不一样。 对比这里就知道了还好发现了