public System.Text.Encoding Encoding { get; set; } Property Value Encoding The text encoding to use. The default is Encoding.UTF8. Examples The following example shows how to set the Encoding property: C# Copy XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); settings.Indent = true; set...
OmitXmlDeclaration:指定是否在输出中省略XML声明(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>)。如果设置为 true,则不输出XML声明。 ConformanceLevel:定义XML的符合性级别。可以是 Fragment(允许XML片段)、Document(完整的XML文档)或 Auto(自动根据内容确定)。 CheckCharacters:控制在写入XML时是否验证字符的有...
System.Text.Encoding value Encoding.UTF8 Indent Whether to indent elements true or false false (no indentation) IndentChars Character string to use when indenting (used when Indent is set to true). String Two spaces NewLineChars Character string to use for line breaks. String \r\n (carriage...
public Encoding Encoding { get; set; } Property Value Type: System.Text.Encoding The text encoding to use. The default is Encoding.UTF8. Remarks This property only applies to XmlWriter instances that output text content to a stream; otherwise, this setting is ignored. The XmlWriter...
2011-10-16 10:13 −跨浏览器解析xml文件 xml文件 为 a.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Root> <Tree id="0">数目0&... 高捍得 0 222 ASPX页面输出datatable的一种方法 2015-10-20 15:35 −过程:后台查询结果到DataTable,然后DataTable转为IList,然后逐行转为Dictionary。在一...
如果您使用XmlWriter对象Transform方法,则应使用OutputSettings属性来获取XmlWriterSettings采用正确的设置的对象。这样可确保创建XmlWriter对象都有正确的输出设置。 XmlWriterSettings类提供该控件的数据一致性和输出格式的属性。 数据一致性检查和自动更正,请使用这些属性︰ ...
setting.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; setting.CloseOutput =true; setting.NewLineChars ="\r\n"; setting.Indent =true;if(!File.Exists(file)) {using(Stream s = File.Open(file, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) { System.Xml.XmlWriter tmp = System.Xml.XmlWriter.Create(s, setting); ...
{XmlWriterSettingssettings =newXmlWriterSettings();// UTF8 without BOMsettings.Encoding =newUTF8Encoding(false); settings.Async =async; settings.CloseOutput = closeOutput; settings.Indent = indent; settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = omitXmlDeclaration; ...
下表顯示 實例 XmlWriterSettings 的預設屬性值。 展開資料表 屬性初始值 Async false. CheckCharacters true. CloseOutput false. ConformanceLevel Document. Encoding Encoding.UTF8. Indent false. IndentChars 兩個空格。 NewLineChars \r\n. NewLineHandling Replace. NewLineOnAttributes false. OmitXmlDeclaratio...