Summary. When sequential single-node shoot segments (third to fifteenth node, counting from the apex) of the perennial grass weed Paspalum distichum L. were buried in soil, new shoot growth was significantly correlated with initial segment length. Growth from the youngest segment (third), which...
For example, in wetter northern swamps, seeds of Taxodium distichum germinated in non-flooded conditions, but did not germinate from the same seed banks in flooded conditions. In wetter southern swamps, seeds of Eleocharis cellulosa germinated in flooded conditions, but did not germinate in non-...
This paper is concluded by recommending some future works that can be applied inorder to improve the ndist of K -Means and SOM.Advanced Science Letters
Bhattacharya T, Chakraborty S, Banerjee DK (2010) Heavy metal uptake and its effect on macronutrients, chlorophyll, protein, and peroxidase activity of Paspalum distichum grown on sludge-dosed soils. Environ Monit Assess 169:15–26Bhattacharya T, Chakaraborty S, Banerjee DK. 2009. Heavy metal ...
On the Anatomy of Distoma clavatum, Rud.]]>doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1835.tb00636.xRICHARD OWENAssistant Conservator of the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons in LondonJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.The Transactions of the Zoological Society of London...
Its central Sn 2 O 2 core is fused, with two four-membered (Sn 2 O 2 ) and two six-membered (Sn 2 O 3 C) rings, incorporating O and C atoms of N -phthaloylphenylalaninate ligands that show different modes of coordination with tin. The endocyclic Sn atoms of the Sn 2 ...
Taxodium distichumPremise of the Study: Climate warming is predicted to have far-reaching effects on the distribution of species, but those effects may depend on the flexibility of regenerating species in responding to climate gradients. We conducted a study to determine whether the variation in ...