Access-Control-Allow-Origin: 使用JSONP JSONP(JSON with Padding)是一种绕过同源策略的方法,它利用 <script> 标签不受同源策略限制的特点。但 JSONP 只支持 GET 请求,并且存在安全风险。 使用代理服务器 通过在同源服务器设置一个代理,前端代码向同源服务器发送请求,同源服务器再...
XDomainRequest 虽然可以用于跨域请求,但是相对 XMLHttpRequest 2 功能还是差不少:比如不能用 setRequestHeader 方法,也没有 status 属性,等等。 幸好,最新的 IE10 支持 XMLHttpRequest 2,我们以后就方便了。 参考资料: [1]XMLHttpRequest 1 - W3C [2]XMLHttpRequest 2 - W3C [3]Cross-Origin Resource Shari...
以往,有一种解决方案是利用JSONP进行跨域的资源请求,但这种方案存在着几点缺陷: 1)只能进行GET请求 2)缺乏有效的错误捕获机制。因此在XMLHttpRequest v2标准下,提出了CORS(Cross Origin Resourse-Sharing)的模型,试图保证跨域请求的安全性。 现在,各大主流浏览器均支持CORS模型,其中IE 8, IE 9需要使用XDomainRequest...
cross-domain 在需要跨域获取数据的地方,使用fetch或axios等库来获取数据:在需要跨域获取数据的地方,可以使用fetch或axios等库来获取数据。例如,在需要跨域获取API的数据时,可以使用以下命令: fetch('').then(response=>response.json()).then(data=>{console.log(data);}).catch(error=>...
The following error information is displayed:This is a cross-domain error: The website of the integrator does not allow requests for resources that are not provided by th
The web page is loaded locally (not via HTTP) and the daemon might be on a different host, so there is cross-domain communication. Here's what I tried and failed to do: Use XMLHttpRequest. I can open the connection and read the data, but I can't clear the response...'GET', 'example.php'); xhr.send(); 接着,就等待远程主机做出回应。这时需要监控XMLHttpRequest对象的状态变化,指定回调函数。 xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){ if ( xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200 ) { alert( xhr.responseText ); ...'GET', 'example.php'); xhr.send(); 接着,就等待远程主机做出回应。这时需要监控XMLHttpRequest对象的状态变化,指定回调函数。 xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){ if ( xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200 ) { alert( xhr.responseText ); ...
In Internet Explorer 8.0 there is XDomainRequest, an object enabling cross-domain requests. You would need to properly handle request made with this object on server by sending Access-Control-Allow-Origin header first with "*" or requester domain name. Since you are doing some hacky things any...
If, however, you serve your web application from one web server and you make web service data requests to another server -- for example, to the Yahoo! Web Services -- then the browser prevents the connection from being opened at all. Bummer. ...