Inicio|Ocultar lista de paquetes y clases|Paquetes|Clases|Novedades|Índice|Apéndices|¿Por qué hay texto en inglés? Filtros: Motores de ejecución AIR 30.0 y versiones anteriores, Flash Player 30.0 y versiones anteriores, Flash Lite 4 ...
referencesValidationSetting:String 指定檢查參考的條件。 XMLSignatureValidator revocationCheckSetting:String 指定如何檢查憑證撤銷。 XMLSignatureValidator signerCN:String [唯讀] 簽署憑證的「一般名稱」欄位。 XMLSignatureValidator signerDN:String [唯讀] 簽署憑證的「辨別名稱」欄位。
signatureNode)); javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo.X509Data data=(javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo.X509Data)signature.getKeyInfo().getContent().get( 0); // Get the public key for signature validation // KeyValue keyValue = (KeyValue) signature.getKeyInfo().getContent().get( // 0); List...
signatureNode)); javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo.X509Data data=(javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo.X509Data)signature.getKeyInfo().getContent().get( 0); // Get the public key for signature validation // KeyValue keyValue = (KeyValue) signature.getKeyInfo().getContent().get( ...
The XML signature validation takes place in two steps. The first step is to verify the digest of each of the references. The second is to verify the cryptographic signature over the SignedInfo element. In Figure 8, Step 1, the data identified by the Reference elements is canonicalized and th...
根据core validation processing rules验证签名。 此方法使用现有状态验证签名,它不使用上下文中指定的位置信息解组并重新初始化XMLSignature的内容。 此方法仅在第一次调用签名时验证签名。 在后续调用中,它返回缓存的结果。 参数 validateContext - 验证上下文 结果 true如果签名通过核心验证,否则 false 异常 Cla...
This ensures that the client has signed something meaningful (part of the SOAP message), instead of arbitrary data that would pass a blind signature validation. This further strengthens the integrity verification process. The nodeset that must be signed can be identified by a combination of ...
This method only validates the signature the first time it is invoked. On subsequent invocations, it returns a cached result. Parameters: validateContext - the validating context Returns: true if the signature passed core validation, otherwise false Throws: ClassCastException - if the type of valid...
(Element element, String baseURI, boolean secureValidation) throws XMLSecurityException { super(element, baseURI, secureValidation); initEngine(); } protected void initEngine() throws XMLSecurityException { try { engine = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withRSA", provider); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithm...