xml parsing <line and character details> illegal name characterLooking at the file i see that there is an ampersand (&) at this location. I'm assuming that this is why the problem is occurring. Can someone enlighten me as to how i can get round this. It needs to be there as this ...
XML parsing: line 1, character 1, illegal xml character This is because SQL 2000’s xml parsing was based on MSXML 3.0 – and SQL 2005’s xml parsing is based on MSXML 6.0. The rules have tightened up a bit. You may be able to store and work with xml characters in your .NET UI ...
Parsing RTF Strings into a Report Partially Bold Text in SSRS 2005 using Expression ? pass Drop down selected value to Texxtbox in SSRS Reports Passing array of string as parameter to rdlc report Passing column name as parameter in a Dataset query Passing Date Parameter to Oracle Query Passing...
Gave me the following error on first run. Msg 9455, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_BlitzLock, Line 596 [Batch Start Line 0] XML parsing: line 2, character 105, illegal qualified name character A fix is to change CONVERT(XML, N'' + d.inputbuf + N'') AS query, to 'CONVERT(XML...
You finish parsing text when an element ends, so you normally perform your character processing at that point. But you might also want to process text when an element starts. This is necessary for document-style data, which can contain XML elements that are intermixed with text. For example,...
When all else fails, youcan always fall back on programming. Most programming languages have support for parsing and navigating XML. They frequently make use of two standard interfaces. TheSimple API for XML (SAX) is very popular for its simplicity and efficiency. TheDocument Object Model (DOM...
Illegal Characters One of the nastier surprises when parsing XML is realizing that you have illegal characters in your input. For some unknown reason, the XML 1.0 spec explicitly omitted most of the non-printing characters in the range 0x00 to 0x1F; the onlyallowed non-printing ASCII characters...
Sets the character encoding for output. void setLocale(java.util.Locale locale) Sets the locale for error reporting void setParsedDoctype(java.lang.String rootname, java.lang.String sysid, java.lang.String pubid) Sets the doctype object by parsing sysid void setSchema(XMLSchema schema) set...
Error:"XML parsing: line 2, character 15, A string literal was expected" Errors 2601 and 2627 Escaping a whole string variable in T-SQL Evaluate percentage using two columns of a table Exact Match in sql Exact Word Matching in a Comma Separated Column in SQL Server Excel data import Trunca...
IllegalArgumentException If the given InputStream is null. IOException If any IO error occurs interacting with the InputStream. SAXException If any SAX errors occur during processing. Remarks Parse the content of the given java.io.InputStream instance as XML using...