at System.Uri.CreateThis(String uri,Boolean dontEscape,UriKind uriKind)at System.Uri..ctor(String uriString,UriKind uriKind)atMS.Internal.IO.Packaging.InternalRelationshipCollection.ProcessRelationshipAttributes(XmlCompatibilityReader reader)atMS.Internal.IO.Packaging.InternalRelationshipCollection.ParseRelationshipPa...
前几天通过 pd.read_excel 读取excel文件的时候遇到了一个bug, 说xml格式不正确(无效标记):xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError: not well-formed (invalid token): line 7, column 43,刚刚开始我也非常郁闷,…
第1196行,解析tree.parse(源,解析器)文件"/usr/lib64/python3.6/xml/etree/",第597行,解析self._root =parser._parse_whole(源) xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError: self._root元素后的垃圾:第211行,第2列 当我在
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging.OpenXmlPackageException:“AmalformedURIwasfoundinthedocument.PleaseprovideaOpenSettings.RelationshipErrorRewritertohandletheseerrorswhileopeningapackage.” 1. 或者在更古老的 OpenXML SDK 里面会提示下面代码 DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging.OpenXmlPackageException:InvalidHyperlink:Malform...
The data is incompatible with the Excel internal representation of the XSD data type. To fix this problem, check each data type declaration to make sure your XML data is valid according to the XML schema. XML parse error The XML parser can't open the specified XML file. Make sure the XM...
The data is incompatible with the Excel internal representation of the XSD data type. To fix this problem, check each data type declaration to make sure your XML data is valid according to the XML schema. XML parse error The XML parser can't open the specified XML file. Make sure the XM...
I want to parse XML data from an XML website to Excel. As you know, we can parse XML data without VBA or further technology by just clicking data tabs, etc. But every time I refresh it, it causes an error saying that it fails to mapping. So I decided to use VBA to parse the ...
使用pandas的read_excel()读取xls文件时遇到一个奇怪的报错: VauleError: Excel file format cannot be determined, you must specify an engine manually 使用excel工具可以正常打开,后来发现这个文件本身是xml格式的,使用编辑器打开如下: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?mso-application progid="Excel...
I have made a python script that processes these files by importing the excel files in pandas and doing some stuff to them, and exporting it again. But every now and again i run in to an excel-file that gives me a similar error as OP. (The column number is very high, much higher ...
ava 使用poi导入excel,结合xml文件进行数据验证的例子(增加了jar包) 假设现在要做一个通用的导入方法: 要求: 1.xml的只定义数据库表中的column字段,字段类型,是否非空等条件。 2.excel定义成模板,里面只填写了所需要的数据,有可能数据有问题。 3.在导入的时候就需要对每个excel单元格的数据进行验证。