</description> <environment><![CDATA[]]></environment> <key id="12326193">XMLBEANS-232</key> Fast Xml Infoset <type id="4">Improvement</type> <priority id="3">Major</priority> <status id="1">Open</status> <resolution>Unresolved</resolution> <assignee>Unassigned</assignee> <reporter u...
From the development-environment point of view, editing XML and debugging XSLT are two of the biggest pains for developers who develop applications that touch XML. In this article, I have provided an overview of the XML Editing and the XSLT debugging functionality in Visual Studio 2005 Beta 1....
Cooktop is an editor and development environment for XML, DTD, and XSLT documents Cooktop is a Windows application Best of all, it's free! Need help? Have a bug report, tip, or suggestion? Visit theForums System Requirements Version 2.5:NT4/2000/XP Only ...
As you can see in the invoice manager sample, the anonymous function in the call to customXmlParts.addAsync does nothing, but in a production environment you’d probably want to do error checking to handle an instance gracefully if for some reason the ...
First, because the user locations are configurable, development groups can define a file share on a common server where templates are deployed for the group. All developers in the group can configure their environment to look to that file share for templates. When a new template is deployed to...
ActiveEnvironment ActiveFluidLayout ActiveServerApplication ActiveXControl 活動 ActivityDiagram ActivityFinalNode ActivityMonitor ActivityParameterNode 演員 加 AddAgent AddApplicationInsights AddAssociation AddAttachment AddAttribute AddBehavior AddBottomFrame AddBuildToQueue AddButton AddCellToLeft AddCellToRight AddChild...
In the development environment, this file is located in the classes/oracle/panama/core/admin directory. Portal-to-Go does not validate the XML file you import into the repository with LoadXml. To avoid errors, work in an XML file that you have exported from the repository. This gives you ...
IVsDataEnvironment IVsDataObjectStringMapEvents IVsDataObjectStringMapManager IVsDataObjectStringMapManager2 IVsDataSourceFactory IVsDebuggableProjectCfg IVsDebuggableProjectCfg2 IVsDebuggableProtocol IVsDebugger IVsDebugger10 IVsDebugger2 IVsDebugger3 IVsDebugger4 IVsDebugger5 IVsDebugger6 IVsDebugger...
Eclipse 还包括插件开发环境(Plug-inDevelopment Environment,PDE),这个组件主要针对希望扩展 Eclipse 的软件开发人员,因为它允许他们构建与 Eclipse 环境无缝集成的工具。由于 Eclipse 中的每样东西都是插件,对于给 Eclipse 提供插件,以及给用户提供一致和统一的集成开发环境而言,所有工具开发人员都具有同等的发挥场所。
int start, stop; start = Environment.TickCount; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader("largedocument.xml"); while (reader.Read()); } stop = Environment.TickCount; PrintTime("XmlTextReader document parsing time in ms: " + (stop – start).ToSt...