XM Cloud: Sitecore’s cloud-native, SaaS enterprise-ready CMS that creates content once and delivers across any channel for unforgettable customer experiences. Explore the benefits of Sitecore XM Cloud.
XM Cloud: Sitecore’s cloud-native, SaaS enterprise-ready CMS that creates content once and delivers across any channel for unforgettable customer experiences. Explore the benefits of Sitecore XM Cloud.
Sitecore XM Cloud is a market-leading content management system known for its flexibility, intuitive user interface and lightning-fast page load times Businesses, particularly marketers, often face the challenge of Managing complex digital experiences across multiple channels Ensuring optimal performance ...
不仅方便营销人员,XM Cloud也为开发人员提供了相当的便利,它设置了入门套件、自动更新、集成部署、代码脚手架、内置自动化等众多功能。 睿哲信息:与Sitecore实施合作伙伴一起,充分激活Sitecore XM Cloud 想必分享完Sitecore XM Cloud这些优点,一定会让更多的企业更想要选择它。 那么如果你想要更快的实施Sitecore XM Cloud...
一、Sitecore XM Cloud,现代SaaS CMSExperience Manager Cloud(XM Cloud)是Sitecore推出的基于 SaaS 的内容管理系统,这是一个完全托管的现代化平台,开发人员和营销人员可以使用Sitecore的无头CMS在云中轻松跨渠道推出体验。它具有创新性、扩展性、全渠道管理、组合性、实时性、灵活性等多重优势,可以让个性化体验变得迅速...
Within this chapter we will not only cover how to properly offer 3rd Party integrations, but also explicitly highlight ways, how we should not do it anymore in a modern composable XM Cloud architecture. ❌ DON’T We will start with the way to deal with such ...
XmCloudPreview.sln create-jss-project.ps1 docker-compose.override.yml docker-compose.yml down.ps1 init.ps1 nuget.config sitecore.json up.ps1 xmcloud.build.json README This Repository is No Longer Maintained This "original" XM Cloud solution template is no longer being updated or maintained, and...
//@XMCLOUD://@XMCLOUD:@杭州日报 @黑猫投诉 @澎湃新闻 @电商报@杭州市市场监督管理局 该举报、投诉内容已经多次向余杭区市场监督管理局反映,希望政府部门公正、及时、严肃处理天猫平台存在问题。@华为 @XMCLOUD 12315消费者维权投诉超话天猫商城销售华为机顶盒为假货,遥控器丶变压器无品牌,说明书与实物不符合,...
Sitecore XM Cloud Extensions 是一款浏览器扩展,可改善 Sitecore XM Cloud 用户体验。这是一项正在进行的工作,目前只有一个功能。特征: - 将 XM Cloud Pages 连接到本地 XM Cloud 实例。 GitHub 存储库:https://github.com/jflheureux/Sitecore-XM-Cloud-Extensions作者:Jeff L'Heureux ( https://www.jflh.ca...
Sitecore is planning to release XM Cloud mid this summer, and that is exciting! There are many reasons to look forward to this release - as a true SaaS platform, it will take application deployment, system maintenance, and upgrades off the hands of Sitec