$ xmake run -d hello It will start the debugger (.e.g lldb, gdb, windbg, vsjitdebugger, ollydbg ..) to load our program. [lldb]$target create "build/hello" Current executable set to 'build/hello' (x86_64). [lldb]$b main Breakpoint 1: where = hello`main, address = 0x0000000...
It is very lightweight and has no dependencies due to the integration of the Lua runtime.It uses xmake.lua to maintain project builds with a very simple and readable syntax.We can use it to build projects directly like Make/Ninja or generate project files like CMake/Meson. It also has ...
#111: Add --root common option to allow run xmake command as root #113: Privilege manage when running as root, store the root privilege and degrade. Improve xxx_script in xmake.lua to support pattern match, e.g. on_build("iphoneos|arm*", function (target) end) improve builtin-variable...
task.run("hello") end) 要传递参数,用set_menu或脚本传参. task.run("hello", {},"arg1","arg2")//{}用于`置菜单`方式 如何取两个参数呢? -- 定义任务task("hello") -- 入口有两个参数on_run(function(arg1, arg2) -- 显示你好print("hello xmake: %s %s!", arg1, arg2) end) 不能用...
xmake g:全局设置 ./xmake.lua:项目文件配置 xmake f:命令行配置 ./.xmake/linux/x86_64/xmake.conf:命令行临时配置保存的位置 命令解析 xmake 基本命令包括:创建项目(create)、构建(build/b)、打包(package/p)、清理(clean/c)、组件依赖(require/q)、运行(run/r)、安装(install/i)、卸载(uninstall/u)、...
r, run Run the project target. i, install Package and install the target binary files. c, clean Remove all binary and temporary files. create Create a new project. q, require Install and update required packages. g, global Configure the global options for xmake. u, uninstall Uninstall the...
os.run("adb install -r ./bin/Demo-debug.apk") end) -- 设置自定义运行脚本,自动运行安装好的app程序,并且自动获取设备输出信息 on_run(function (target) -- run it os.run("adb shell am start -n com.demo/com.demo.DemoTest") os.run("adb logcat") ...
xmake v2.5.9 发布,改进 C++20 模块,并支持 Nim, Keil MDK 和 Unity Build 下一篇 » xmake v2.6.4 发布,大量包管理特性改进 引用和评论 注册登录 获取验证码 新手机号将自动注册 登录 微信登录免密码登录密码登录 继续即代表同意《服务协议》和《隐私政策》...
iorun(sdk_dir .. "bin/csky-elfabiv2-size $(buildir)/out/"..TARGET_NAME..".elf")) io.cat("$(buildir)/out/"..TARGET_NAME..".size") local wm_tool = "./tools/xt804/wm_tool"..(is_plat("windows") and ".exe" or "") local app_image = "-fc 0 -it 1 -ih %x -...
dependencies={"lua >= 5.1","luarocks-build-xmake"}build={type="xmake",variables={xmake={plat="mingw",arch="x86_64",mode="debug",cflags="-DTEST1",cc="gcc",ld="gcc",ldflags="...",mingw="mingw sdk path",vs="2019",vs_runtime="MT",vs_toolset="",vs_sdkver="", } },copy_...