感谢各位贡献者对 xmake-repo 仓库 和 Xmake 的贡献,完整贡献者列表见:Contributors。 也非常感谢大家对 Xmake 的赞助的支持,使得我能够有足够的动力去持续维护,完整捐助列表见:Sponsors。 更新内容 新特性 #1902: 支持构建 linux 内核驱动模块 #1913: 通过 group 模式匹配,指定构建和运行一批目标程序 改进 #1872:...
<td><a href="https://github.com/xmake-io/xmake-repo/blob/master/packages/u/udt/xmake.lua">udt/xmake.lua</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h5 id="installcommand">Install command</h5> <pre><code class="lang-console">xrepo install udt </code></pre> <h5 id="integrationinthe...
$ xmakenote:install ormodify(m)thesepackages(pass-y to skip confirm)?inxmake-repo:->m41.4.19[from:linux-headers,bison,flex,elfutils]->flex2.6.4[from:bc,linux-headers]->bison3.8.2[from:bc,linux-headers]->ed1.17[from:bc,linux-headers]->texinfo6.7[from:bc,linux-headers]->bc1.07.1[from...
<img src="https://tboox.org/static/img/xmake/xmake-star-history.png" width="50%" /> The official package management warehousexmake-repohas also included nearly 500+ commonly used dependency packages. grateful Thanks to all contributors for their contributions to the xmake-repo repository and Xm...
('xmake.lua') }} restore-keys: | xmake- - run: | xmake repo -u - run: | xmake f -a x64 -m ${{ matrix.mode }} -p windows -v -y - run: | xmake -v -w -y - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: ${{ github.event.repository.name }}-${{ matrix.mode }}-...
xmake 基本命令包括:创建项目(create)、构建(build/b)、打包(package/p)、清理(clean/c)、组件依赖(require/q)、运行(run/r)、安装(install/i)、卸载(uninstall/u)、配置(config/f)、全局配置(global/g)、更新(update)。 扩展命令:插件(plugin)、存储库(repo)、回显(echo)、信息(show)、项目转换(project)...
xmake -r xmake --rebuild 上面为强制重建. xmake f -a armv7 xmake -a指定架构.默认架构macosx下默认是x86_64,iphoneos下是armv7.交叉编译: xmake f -p iphoneos xmake//xmake f -p android --ndk=xxxx xmake//安卓 为方便不同平台间来回切换编译: ...
xmake -f /tmp/xxx.lua xmake --file=xxx.lua 1. 2. 最简单: -- 添加名为`demo`的目标到工程 target("demo") -- 设置目标程序类型为二进制,一般为`控制台`的终端`命令行`程序 set_kind("binary") -- 添加`src`目录下的所有c文件 add_files("src/*.c") ...
I mean, it was working fine, until I suggested localcc move the buildscripts into the existing tools folder just to keep the root repo clean and consistent. And the progress is only slow because people who want to work on it don't because they're busy or whatever, while everyone else ...
xrepo install poco get error about msys, my toolchain is msvc -- Detecting C compile features - done -- Could NOT find BZip2 (missing: BZIP2_LIBRARIES BZIP2_INCLUDE_DIR) -- Found ZLIB: D:/Apps/ScoopHome/App/apps/msys2/current/mingw64/lib/libz.dll.a (found version "1.2.13") -- ...