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阻抗是交连电路中电压和电流的综合比率,众所周知,线材的性能会对连接的器材产生一定的影响,在没有经过阻抗匹配优化的情况下,输出音量和高频损耗是首先会被感受到的直观情况。MIT曾经就阻抗变化对音响系统的影响进行了深入的研究并且发表了观点清晰的论文《The Effects of Audio Cable as Related to Articulation of...
USB转XLR 麦克风连接线 USB to XLR Microphone Mic Link Cable 48小时发货支付宝 ¥13.0 深圳市兴兆通科技有限公司16年 近3个月价格 Acrolink/雅高聆 单晶铜银编织信号线 DIY卡侬平衡信号线XLR线 支付宝 ¥570.0 深圳市罗湖区渝佳电子经营部15年
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立即询价 查看电话 QQ联系 供应定做RJ45 to XLR卡连接线 RJ45 to XLR cable XLR -- 鑫三冠 -- ¥18.5000元200~499 条 ¥16.8000元500~999 条 ¥16.5000元>=1000 条 深圳市鑫三冠电子科技有限公司 -- 立即询价 查看电话 供应麦克风线,卡侬线,音频线,话筒线 ,XLR线3pin 公/母 ...
Cable spec: Place of origin: China Model number: Microphone cord Type: Twisted pair, microphone cord Application: Microphone Packing: Polybag Outer diameter: 5.0mm Connector color: Gold Connector type: XLR Gender: Male-female Microphone cord: For microphone Connector A: 3pi...
The three pins inside the base of most microphones require an XLR (external line return) cable. Something truly baffling about the music industry is the disparity between the price of low and high-end cables. Though not as critical as the specifications of studio monitors and audio interfaces,...
Warwick握威 ROCKCABLE RCL 30150 D6 连接线 XLR凹型-XLR凸型 价格:8.42元更多产品优惠价> 最小采购量:50 主营产品:乐器松香,二胡弓,小提琴肩垫,古筝架 供应商:汕头市乐童乐器有限公司 更多优质供应商> 所在地:汕头市13425321219 联系人:赖积慧 您的联系方式已覆盖全网,展示在其他同类产品页面 联系...
Best XLR Cable Length Getting decent cables with right lengths is important. You don’t want anything shorter than what you actually need and remember this can include running the balanced/unbalanced cables around various obstacles. However, there can be some reasons for not getting an audio cable...