"urlText":"watch"},"localOverride":false},"CachedAsset:text:en_US-components/community/NavbarDropdownToggle-1731977288000":{"__typename":"CachedAsset","id":"text:en_US-components/community/NavbarDropdownToggle-1731977288000","value":{"ariaLabelClosed":"Press the down arrow to open the...
XLOOKUP函数的语法如下: XLOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array, [if_not_found], [match_mode], [search_mode]) lookup_value:必填的参数,要查找的值; lookup_array:必填的参数,要查找的区域; return_array:必填的参数,要返回的区域; if_not_found:可选的参数,当没有找到匹配的值时,要返回...
“Searches a range or an array for a match and returns the corresponding item from a second range or array. By default, an exact match is used” Well, this sounds quite dry. To put it more exciting words: It can do everythingVLOOKUP(and mostly alsoINDEX/MATCH) can do. But much more!
I have used -1 as the fifth argument ([match_mode]), which means that it will look for an exact match, and when it doesn’t find one, it will return the value just smaller than the lookup value.
The most useful is certainlyIf_not_foundwhich allows you tospecify the value to return if there is no resultand thus avoid the#N/Aerror. For example: =XLOOKUP(E2,B2:B11,A2:A11,"-") The second optional argumentMatch_modeallows you tochoose the search modealthough most of the time, yo...
Return_array- the range or array from which to return values. If_not_found[optional] - the value to return if no match is found. If omitted, an #N/A error is returned. Match_mode[optional] - the match type to perform: 0 or omitted (default) - exact match. If not found, an #...
col_index_num holds the column location of the return value. This is specified by column number where 1 is the left-most column of the range entered in the second argument. range_lookup is optional and lets you specify whether VLOOKUP should find an approximate or an exact match. Approximate...
FALSE: this has to be specified. In this case, data can be any which way – including duplicates – and the result will be based upon thefirstoccurrence of the value sought. If an exact match cannot be found,VLOOKUPwill return the value#N/A. ...
The Xlookup syntax formula is: (lookup_value,lookup_array,return_array,[if_not_found],[match_mode],[search_mode]) Lookup_array– This is where the first element of the array will be searched. Return_array– This is an optional argument specifying whether to return the original value if ...
MATCH(1, COUNTIF(D14:D15, B3:B12), 0) returns 3. The first value that is equal to 1 is in 3rd position in the array. Step 3 - Return corresponding value The INDEX function returns a value based on a row and column number, the cell range is in a column only, we don't need...