`XLOOKUP` 函数是 Excel 中用于查找和返回值的函数,它允许根据一个或多个条件进行查找。在 Excel 中,`XLOOKUP` 函数的基本语法如下:```plaintext XLOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array, [if_not_found], [match_mode], [search_mode])```对于三个条件的查找匹配,你可以使用嵌...
- `lookup_array`:要在其中查找`lookup_value`的数组或范围。- `return_array`:包含要返回的值或数...
text =XLOOKUP("王六", A2:A5, B2:B5, "未找到学生") 这将返回“未找到学生”,因为“王六”不在列表中。 注意事项 确保lookup_array 和 return_array 的长度相同,且它们的行或列是对应的。 如果使用通配符匹配(match_mode=2),请确保 lookup_value 是文本类型,并且 lookup_array 中的数据也支持通配符搜...
Return array is in cells C1:C5 containing {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} In cell D1, you would enter: =IFERROR(INDEX(C1:C5, MATCH(A1, B1:B5, 0)), "Not Found") Handling Multiple Conditions (Advanced Use Case) If you need to perform a lookup with multiple conditions, you can use an...
After that, insert the lookup array in the shape of cell ranges like B4:B8 or even you can go for absolute reference like $B$4:$B$8. In the same manner, place the return array like D4:D8 or $D$4:$D$8. Once these basic information are settled with, move on to the next step...
Note:XLOOKUP uses a lookup array and a return array, whereas VLOOKUP uses a single table array followed by a column index number. The equivalent VLOOKUP formula in this case would be:=VLOOKUP(F2,B2:D11,3,FALSE) ——— Example 2looks up employee information based on an employee...
Is there any other functions that can be used to return an array? I have 2 columns (A and B). I look for a username value in column A. The username can be repeated more that once. I want to get and concatenate all data in column B for a given username. For example, in column...
xlookup("A",[lookup array], [return array]) --> output = A xlookup("B",[lookup array], [return array]) --> output = error after deleting the "A"from the lookup array xlookup("A",[lookup array], [return array]) --> output = error (understandably) ...
I have done Xlookup and the result has come through correctly EXCEPT it has randomly placed a space at the front of the result. So i was expecting "VT19756-01-50-" but i got " VT19756-01-50-" ... Peta_Stolle77I suspect that the retur...