使用 XLOOKUP,可以在一列中查找搜索词,并从另一列中的同一行返回结果,而不管返回列位于哪一侧。 注意:XLOOKUP 在 Excel 2016 和 Excel 2019 中不可用。 但是,如果工作簿是由其他人使用较新版本的 Excel 创建的,则可能会遇到在 Excel 2016 或 Excel 2019 中使用 XLOOKUP 函数的情况。 语法 XLOOKUP 函数搜索...
Step 04依次单击“文件”—“选项”—“自定义功能区”,勾选右侧的“开发工具”并确定添加“开发工具”菜单。 Step 05依次单击“开发工具”—“Excel加载项”,在弹出的加载项对话框中单击“浏览”按钮;然后在前方解压的文件夹中找到宏文件“EFunction-AddIn.xll”(适合32位的Excel)或者“EFunction-AddIn61.xll”(...
自XLOOKUP 函数 is 只可用 in 适用于 Microsoft 365 的 Excel, Excel中2021及网络版Excel,您可以将您的 Excel 升级到可用版本以获取 XLOOKUP。 XLOOKUP 函数语法 XLOOKUP 函数 查找范围或数组,然后返回第一个匹配结果的值。该 句法 XLOOKUP 函数如下: ...
大家可以想想看為什麼我要使用兩個XLOOKUP:第二個XLOOKUP的回傳值是一個陣列(Array),而在把這個回傳陣列(Array)放入第一個XLOOKUP的第三個參數,當作第一個XLOOKUP的回傳範圍資料去尋找對應的值。這裡用運了上方所教XLOOKUP 回傳列陣的方法,這裡比較多層,大家可能要思考一下,我也會放上我的 Excel 範例檔案,...
We put -1 as search_mode to use the function in reverse order. Example 11 – Perform Left Lookup Applying Excel XLOOKUP Function Find a movie name using Action as Genre. Steps: Insert the formula given below inCell G5. =XLOOKUP(F5,D5:D9,B5:B9) ...
The XLOOKUP Function in Excel searches a dataset in a range or array to return the corresponding value(s) based on the user-defined criteria.
The XLOOKUP function is an improved version of the VLOOKUP. Here, it can search a range of cells instead of a column. In addition, we can manually enter the function in any cell or through the Excel ribbon. 1. Entering XLOOKUP In Excel Manually Below is an Excel sheet containing the ...
Use the XLOOKUP function when you need to find things in a table or a range by row. For example, look up the price of an automotive part by the part number, or find an employee name based on their employee ID. With XLOOKUP, you can look in one column for
The XLOOKUP function searches for a value in a table and then returns the corresponding value (at the same position) in a second table...
we jump into the basic usage, one more word of caution: XLOOKUP is a great function, for sure it’ll be the future. But please – as of now – use it carefully: Make sure that everybody working with your Excel file runs the latest Excel version and can understand your function. ...