建立XLOOKUP 函数is只可用in适用于 Microsoft 365 的 Excel,Excel 2021 及更高版本及网络版Excel。如果您使用的是 Excel 2019 或更早版本,请考虑升级以访问 XLOOKUP。 句法 这款查找范围或数组,然后返回第一个匹配结果的值。 该句法如下: =XLOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array, [if_not_found]...
Step 04依次单击“文件”—“选项”—“自定义功能区”,勾选右侧的“开发工具”并确定添加“开发工具”菜单。 Step 05依次单击“开发工具”—“Excel加载项”,在弹出的加载项对话框中单击“浏览”按钮;然后在前方解压的文件夹中找到宏文件“EFunction-AddIn.xll”(适合32位的Excel)或者“EFunction-AddIn61.xll”(...
使用 XLOOKUP,可以在一列中查找搜索词,并从另一列中的同一行返回结果,而不管返回列位于哪一侧。 注意:XLOOKUP 在 Excel 2016 和 Excel 2019 中不可用。 但是,如果工作簿是由其他人使用较新版本的 Excel 创建的,则可能会遇到在 Excel 2016 或 Excel 2019 中使用 XLOOKUP 函数的情况。 语法 XLOOKUP 函数搜索...
If you do not find the XLOOKUP function in Excel, do not panic. Here is a right-to-left workaround with the VLOOKUP and CHOOSE functions. First, use the CHOOSE function to restructure the lookup table and replace the Sales and Location columns. =CHOOSE({1,2}, Cost, Location) VLOOKUP ...
In the XLOOKUP function, we inserted Cell C9 as lookup_value, cell ranges C4:F4 and C5:F6 as lookup_array and return_array respectively. Example 6 – Use Nested XLOOKUP Formula in Excel From the scorer dataset, we want to find the goal involvement (sum of goals and assists) for a ...
Search with multiple criteria. Excel XLOOKUP handles arrays natively, which makes it possible to performlookup with multiple criteria. If error functionality. Traditionally, we use the IFNA function to trap #N/A errors. XLOOKUP incorporates this functionality in theif_not_foundargument allowing toou...
The sixth argument of the XLOOKUP function provides four options. We are interested in using the "Search last-to-first" option. The completed formula is shown here: =XLOOKUP(A2,$E$2:$E$9,$F$2:$F$9,,,-1) In this formula, the fourth and fifth argument were ignored. It is optiona...
The XLOOKUP function searches for a value in a table and then returns the corresponding value (at the same position) in a second table...
1. First, the XLOOKUP function below looks up the ID and returns the first name (nothing new). 2. Replace C6:C12 with C6:E12 to return the first name, last name and salary. Note: theXLOOKUPfunction, entered into cell C3, fills multiple cells. Wow! This behavior in Excel 365/2021 ...
*Excel中冒號(:)代表連續性的資料。如 B1:B10 代表[B1]到[B10]這10個儲存格。而 B1:C10 則代表[B1]到[C10]這20個儲存格。如下圖所示此題範例:冒號連接後的回傳值。 XLOOKUP-return-array-colon XLOOKUP:根據級距尋找資料 =XLOOKUP(a, b, c, d, [e]) ...