XLIFF(XML Localization Interchange File Format)是一种基于 XML 的格式,用于标准化软件、文档和其他内容的翻译和本地化过程。它由 OASIS(Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards)推出,旨在简化不同本地化工具之间的数据交换。 2、XLIFF 文件的主要用途 软件国际化 全球范围内运营的应用程...
XLIFF: Build with TranslationsBuilds the project in the currently open workspace/project folder (Ctrl + Shift + B) and afterwards synchronizes all translation units from base-XLIFF file into all other XLIFF files in the open workspace/project folder. ...
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/79297528/how-to-escape-single-quotes-in-xliff-translation-file I wanted to use single quotes around replacement markers like this (this is the expected result): File 'import.csv' imported. The <target> of the translation key in xliff-file looks like this: ...
An XLIFF document contains one or more XLIFF files. Each file contains at least one Translation Unit or Group. It can also contain Notes.A Translation Unit contains one Source Language Table entry and, optionally, one Target Language Table entry. It can also contain Notes....
XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF)is an open XML-based format standard for exchanging localizable data. Translation content can be stored in an endless number of file formats created for use in many different applications. Some of these formats are highly structured and organized, which...
</file> </xliff> Smartling supports .xlf, .xliff, and .xml files that use the XML Localization Interchange File Format v 2.0 (XLIFF2). Articulate XLIFF 2.0 is not supported, meaning you cannot upload a translation XLIFF 2.0 file to Articulate Storyline. You must translate XLIFF 1.2 and ch...
File A file is the container for localization material extracted from an entire String Table. The file contains a reference to the original asset path and its GUID, so that Unity can import any changes to the file back into the same String Table. Translation Unit A Translation Unit represents...
Map XLIFF statuses to Studio when opening the fileYou can select any status you see fit from the available options. The default mapping is: Initial>>Not Translated Translated>>Translated Reviewed>>Translation Approved Final>>Signed off Map Studio statuses to XLIFF when saving the fileYou can sele...
Auto Generation of XLIFF Translation Documents from Proprietary File Formatsdoi:10.21427/D7MJ1PKieran O'ConnorGeraldine Gray
Lock segments with status Decide which segments are locked for translation depending on their status. The default values are: Signed off and Translation Approved. Map state-qualifier attribute values when reading file Select the check box to enable state-qualifier attribute mapping when reading the fi...