XL (formerly XL Hybrids) is a developer and provider of hybrid-electric solutions for the commercial vehicle market. The company was founded in 2009 by MIT alumni and is based in Boston. XL systems deliver a cost-effective solution that enables commercial and municipal fleets to quickly and ef...
XL Hybrids: Supersizing Green MachinesChrissy Coughlin
XL Hybrids这家公司能将汽油或柴油驱动的车辆改装成混合动力汽车。今日这家公司获得了2200万美元D轮融资。本轮融资的投资方包括IKEA Group、美国能源巨头Exelon旗下的风投机构Constellation Technology Ventures以及一批大型的家族办公室。 这家马塞诸萨州创企创立于2008年,它主要针对企业的车队,将它们替换成电动车辆或混合...
XL Hybrids will offer an electrified 2018 Ford F-250 pickup to commercial and municipal fleets that will be unveiled at NTEA's Work Truck Show in Indianapolis in early March, the company announced. The battery-electric hybrid F-250 will be equipped with the vehicle modifier's XLH hybrid dri...
XL Hybrids focused on pickup trucks and vans that travel primarily on city roads, because there were few cost-effective hybrid options for these vehicles. 2. Pick the Tech “We didn’t necessarily plan on a hybrid,” says Tod Hynes, founder and president. He first researched all-electric ...
XL Hybrids will offer an electrified 2018 Ford F-250 pickup to commercial and municipal fleets that will be unveiled at NTEA's Work Truck Show in Indianapolis in early March, the company announced. 播放(k) The battery-electric hybrid F-250 will be equipped with the vehicle modifier'...
XL Hybrids will offer an electrified 2018 Ford F-250 pickup to commercial and municipal fleets that will be unveiled at NTEA's Work Truck Show in Indianapolis in early March, the company announced. 播放(k) The battery-electric hybrid F-250 will be equipped with the vehicle modifier's XLH...
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Brenner, Neal Ennis (Needham, MA, US) Application Number: 15/205181 Publication Date: 10/02/2018 Filing Date: 07/08/2016 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: XL Hybrids (Boston, MA, US) International Classes: ...
申请人: 雄心混合动力公司;XLHYBRIDS,INC. 办理/代理机构: 陈韵云知识产权代理(北京)有限公司 商标进度 注册申请 2021-09-23 初审公告 2022-01-06 已注册 - 终止 - 商标信息 商标图案 商标名称 XL FLEET 国际分类 第12类-运输工具 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 59395847 申请日期 2021-09-23 ...