The XKCD comic depicts extensive modification/substitution options for passwords. The Diceware Passphrase Home Page mentions a special modification that is not in the comic pass phrase part: insert just 1 random letter in just 1 of the words of the phrase chosen. That would add another ...
See also:937: TornadoGuard, another comic about star ratings. Understanding online star ratings: 5 stars: [Has only one review] 4.5 stars: Excellent 4 stars: OK 3.5-1 star: Crap Trivia[edit] The image at the end ofWhat-If 69references this comic in the title text. ...
Besides, do you really want every scale in existence in a single comic? If not, Randall has to select based on his own criteria, whatever they may be. As it is, there are 9 or 10 (depending on how you count "entropy") fields that don't apply to particle properties, as opposed to...
Xkcd A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language. Humour 3+ SAVE Visit Website Screenshot Additional Information Country Served Global Most Popular In United States of America Country of Origin NA Languages supported NA Adult NA Signup Required...
The title text represents an answer to the logical question prompted by this comic, which is "Would this actually work?" The implied answer is "Yes," but only "for some value of 'actually work'." This is a play on the phrase "for some value of x," used frequently in physics or ma...
The "captain" is not a genuine pilot, but has somehow found himself in the position of being in charge of an airplane (this could be a reference to this earlier comic:726: Seat Selection). The captain has genuinely fallen asleep and has forgotten what plane he is on...but he has thus...