SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hello, I need the code to upload an excel file with 2 columns (Vendor id of type RF02K-LIFNR & Mail-id of type LFA1-LFURL) in XK02 T-code using BDC Call transaction method. I know that we need to use 'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE' FM to ...
1. In XK02 transaction code purchasing data tab in control data there is one check box Returns Vendor. Once this check box is set then user will click on enter it will show one popup (Customer Defalut data) in that Accouting group is 0002 and Shipping cond is 01 is defalut for bo...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi...i set a break point in get_taxi_screen method...but when i run the t-code...the subscreen cant enter in debugger mode...just simply show the screen...with out my custom what i hav to do...plz help... Thanx & regards Arij...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP Hi All, I was trying to change Payment Terms in Vendor master company, code data, Payment Transactions by using XK02 transaction. But the field Payment Terms is not in editable mode in XK02. But it allow to change Payment Terms by using FK02. As I know, ...
SAPELEM 80.096.20.F14.1 SIM 0608DU EBA PNEUMATIC PA4X2,7BLAU-100 MICHAEL RIEDEL DRUL19000UL-CSA19KVAIP003AC480V//3AC380V12KVA//3AC200V6KVA60HZ LORENZ Option100%Kontrollsignal,Artikelnummer:100218 Guedel 2086499 ORGATEX LG-50-L-04 ATLANTA 6591518 engler TYPE:T80O.12.M.1.24.7ANR010011070024...
SAP Managed Tags: Security > The user-ids used to change the info don't have access to MK02/XK02 at S_TCODE level but looks like they have access to rest of the authorizations with activity 02. Just double click the vendor (and see Matthias's comments about exception handling in SE...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi, Can u please elaborate the requirement. New field you mean ?. Because to enable the fields in screen(xk02) you have some Tcode's. Regards, vamshi Reply Former Member In response to Former Member 2005 Jun 21 10:28 AM 0 Kudos 237 SAP...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello Friends, I am performing a BDC recording on the transaction XK02 to update or change vendor details, which i will be using in a RFC enabled FM so that it can be called from a external system and change the vendor details. The problem i am fa...