new management, the company is now in expansion mode and is seeking international distribution for its thoroughly authentic US$133,000 replica. Even better news is the plan to extend the range to include SS100, XKSS, and D-Type Jaguars, Aston Martin DB3S and the glorious Mercedes Benz 300...
Appropriately for a sports car, the XK-120 was blessed with high-geared steering giving just 23/4 turns lock-to-lock and a compact 31-foot turning diameter, though steering effort was predictably heavy. Braking from speed brought out surprisingly little nosedive, a benefit of the slight rear-...
Design Director Ian Callum outlines new design features on the XK range: “The current XK was the first car to signify a new generation of Jaguars – cars that have honed our image every bit as successfully as the original XK120 or E-type. Now the new XK range reinforces that message. ...
Our highly trained team, composed of passionate experts, is dedicated to the intricate art of maintenance and restoration of Classic Jaguars, MGs, Triumphs, Mercedes and Austin-Healeys. Find Out MoreOUR HOURS: MON-FRI: 8AM — 5 PM SAT — BY APPOINTMENT ONLY CLOSED - SUN contact: jeff@...
racing cars, such as C‑types and D‑types, XK120s, 140s and 150s ever gathered and seen in action ‑ over 600 to celebrate 60 years of the car's heritage. The feature‑packed XK60 event will include a major sale of Jaguars and related automobilia by leading auction house, ...
a culture of continuous improvement in everything we do, especially when it comes to classic British sports cars. Our highly trained team, composed of passionate experts, is dedicated to the intricate art of maintenance and restoration ofClassic Jaguars, MGs, Triumphs, Mercedes and Austin-Healeys....