At the end of the seminar, president Liu Guangtao of XJTLU-AS Junior High School delivered a concluding speech. He said that XJTLU-AS adhered to the same educational philosophy as Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University and promotes “supporting the school with technologies” and “using te...
XJTLU-AS is located in the Suzhou International Education Zone, Wuzhong District. Covering an area of roughly 160,000 square meters, the campus at XJTLU-AS includes a large Suzhou-style garden complete with rocks, ponds and stone bridges. This offers a natural environment in which students...
12月30日晚,西交利物浦大学附属学校2020年校园文化艺术节闭幕式暨新年晚会在第一学术报告厅举行。 本次晚会将闭幕式文艺汇演、艺术节颁奖仪式和新年晚会巧妙地融合在一起。来自各学部的上百名师生齐心协力,各展所长,为观众们献上了一场精彩的视听盛宴。 来自高中部的YES MORLER乐队以鼓棒敲击的声音为信号,拉开了本...
XJTLU-AS Junior High School Review of 2019-2020 School Year 有人说2020将在不平凡中度过,事实上一转眼已过半,毕业季将来临。 回望过去的一学年,初中部的同学们都有哪些收获与成长?今天,让我们从即将过去的2019-2020学年中,撷取一些...
XJTLU-AS 2015-2016学年第二学期西交利物浦大学附属学校面向省内外择优招收少量学生,即日起接受报名。 报名截止:2015年12月31日 Application Period:Before 31st December 2015 招收年级: ☆ 幼儿园Kindergarten 托班、小班、中班、大班 Early ...
学校名称( School name ):苏州市吴中区西浦附属学校(Suzhou Wuzhong Xipu Affiliated School (also known as Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Affiliated School) 学校地址(School address):江苏省苏州市吴中区吴中大道1198号(No. 1198, Wuzhong Avenue, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province 215000, China) 联系电话(Contact...
学校名称( School name ):苏州市吴中区西浦附属学校(Suzhou Wuzhong Xipu Affiliated School (also known as Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Affiliated School) 学校地址(School address):江苏省苏州市吴中区吴中大道1198号(No. 1198, Wuzhong Avenue, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province 215000, China) 联系电话(Contact... 域名注册信息(whois)查询 -xjtlu-as.com更新时间:2023-09-03 13:22:49 所有者/RegistrantREDACTED FOR PRIVACY[域名已经开启隐私保护] 所有者联系邮箱/Registrant EmailREDACTED FOR PRIVACY 注册商/Sponsoring RegistrantAlibaba Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd....
通用名称 颁发者 Let's Encrypt Authority X3 启用SNI 已开启 HTTP2.0 不支持 加密算法 RSA 2048 bits 签名算法 SHA256WithRSA 证书类型 DVDV 组织机构 -- 部门 -- 开始时间 2024-12-09 10:23:28 结束时间 2025-12-09 10:23:28 HTTPS...
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