Center Building, North Campus, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University.We will inviteJiang Han (Director of the Department of Cultural and Creative Products of Suzhou Museum),DoppoMatsubara (Senior Architect), Vicente Esteban (Associate Professor, Depa...
A workshop centred around the star cluster took place at XJTLU’s School of Mathematics and Physics on 28 October.
Mr. Tairun Chen is a Ph.D in Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge. He is currently Lecturer with Department of Mathematics, XJTLU. His research areas cover general relativity and its alternative theories, dark energy, and numerical relativity, and his projects on theoretical physics have re...
Department of EEE Dr Lim received the BEng(Hons) and PhD degrees in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from University of Northumbria at United Kingdom(Scholarship was awarded from the same university) , in 1998 and 2002 respectively. Highlight 3 Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Pr...
XJTLU Department of Architects was established in 2011; since then, its pupils have taken home a variety of special prizes, such as third place in the CTBUH High Building Student Design Contest. At the IDEERS Seismic Safety Design Contest in Taiwan and two times at the Chinese Artistic Educati...