但無論是CAGR或是IRR,兩者都可以用來計算年化報酬率。 其次,CAGR是計算簡單的年均複合成長率,但IRR的計算卻更為複雜,因為它需要計算每個時間點的現金流量,並解決等式以計算投資報酬率。換句話說,計算IRR需要考慮更多變數,因此較為複雜,但也因為如此,IRR更是支援多筆固定間隔現金流的進出狀況,比CAGR適用的情境還更多。
on the other hand, can accommodate cash flows with variable amounts and variabletime intervalsbetween them. The ability to handle non-periodic cash flows is what differentiates XIRR from IRR. SeeCAGR vs IRR vs XIRRfor a full discussion and comparison of these measures of the rate of return of...
Here CAGR represents the year on year compounded growth and is known ascompounded annualized growth rate In the present case, CAGR = 13.9% CAGR is obviously necessary only when the annual returns vary. If the returns are the same (like in an FD), the maturity value will be known the mome...