Xiong Shili was the most accomplished and authoritative Confucian thinker in the 20 th century. He laid the metaphysical foundation for Contemporary New Confucianism, revived the study of Confucian classics in contemporary China and undertook the daunting task, on his own, of exploring the application...
词语 熊十力 词类人名 拼音 xióng shí lì 怎么读 英语 philosopher who combined elements of Neo-Confucianism and Mahayana Buddhism「熊十力」的意思和解释 辞典修订版解释 人名。(公元1885~1968)原名升恒,字子贞,湖北黄冈人,当代中国哲学家。曾任北京、武昌、中央、浙江等大学教授。精通儒、佛二家思想,...
Xiong Shili 熊十力(1885-1968) was one of the most important Chinese philosophers of the twentieth century, and a founding figure of the modern New Confucian school of philosophy. At the core of his metaphysics is one of the key conceptual polarities in traditional Chinese philosophy: Reality (...
熊十力(1885~1968),名继智、定中、升恒,号子真,中年以后更名十力,晚年自号漆园老人。上巴河镇熊坳张家塆人。 其家境贫寒,父亲为塾师,熊八、九岁还为邻家放牛,10岁才随父就读,极为勤奋,深得父亲喜爱。12岁时,父病故,遂辍学,仍为牧童。他酷爱读书,放牛时手不释卷。
Xiong Shili took books as the friends and teachers,which formed his unique view of reading during the special time of the Republic of China. He had profound attainments in Buddhism and Confucian classics,and was well-versed in both Chinese and Western cultures. He was good at thinking in rea...
Translation of Xiong ShiliPosted on October 15, 2015 by Steve Angle I am very pleased to announce the publication of John Makeham’s outstanding translation of Xiong Shili’s huge influential New Treatise on the Uniqueness of Consciousness 新唯識論. This is the first East Asia-related volume ...