您的位置:求学网>>在线新华字典>>按拼音检索>>xiong 每页一句:错误和挫折教训了我们,使我们比较地聪明起来了,我们的情就办得好一些。任何政党,任何个人,错误总是难免的,我们要求犯得少一点。犯了错误则要求改正,改正得越迅速,越彻底,越好。——毛泽东 ...
1 code implementation • 10 Oct 2023 • Yiheng Xu, Hongjin Su, Chen Xing, Boyu Mi, Qian Liu, Weijia Shi, Binyuan Hui, Fan Zhou, Yitao Liu, Tianbao Xie, Zhoujun Cheng, Siheng Zhao, Lingpeng Kong, Bailin Wang, Caiming Xiong, Tao Yu We introduce Lemur and Lemur-Chat, openly acc...
X-and y-ray telescopes and instrumentation; neutron stars; black holes; X-ray binaries; y-ray bursts; 入库时间 2024-04-22 18:16:31 相似文献 中文文献 外文文献 专利 1. Status of the Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (Insight-HXMT) Project [J] . LU Fangjun ,ZHANG Shuangnan ....
JetCache is a Java cache framework which is more convenient than Spring Cache. - Forks · xiongxj/jetcache
探讨伊红-5′-马来酰亚胺标记的流式细胞术(EMA结合试验)检测红细胞膜骨架带3蛋白缺失程度与遗传性球形红细胞增多症(hereditary spherocytosis,HS)临床表现型的关系。 机译:探讨伊红-5′-马来酰亚胺标记的流式细胞术(EMA结合试验)检测红细胞膜骨架带3蛋白缺失程度与遗传性球形红细胞增多症(hereditary spherocytosis,HS...
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Guang ZhengHan KangKuang YeHanxiang LiuChengdu University of Technology, State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection, Chengdu, China;Chengdu University of Technology, State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection, Chengdu, China;ChengdWorld Landslide ...
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