XISHY Company Profile Xinyi Solar Holdings Limited, an investment holding company, produces and sells solar glass products in the People’s Republic of China, rest of Asia, North America, Europe, and internationally. It operates in two segments, Sales of Solar Glass and Solar Farm Business. The...
Xinyi Energy Holdings Ltd is an investment holding company principally engaged in the operation and management of solar farms. Through its subsidiaries, The Company operates two segments, including Electricity Marketing segment and Electricity Price Adjustment segment. The Company's business is mainly to...
Companyofapproximately70%ofthetotalnumberofXinyiSolarSharesinissue atthetimeofthedistribution.TherewillbenoofferingofanySharesorXinyi SolarSharesaspartoftheProposedSpin-OffandtheSeparateListing.TheBoard currentlyproposestoprovideallShareholderswithanentitlementtoXinyiSolar SharesonaproratabasisiftheProposedSpin-Offand...
XYG owns 29.5% of Xinyi Solar, which focuses on PV glass, PV power stations and EPC services (60%, 16% and 24% of its revenue in 2017, respectively). The company has continued to enjoy high revenue and earnings growth since the split-off, and it contributes significantly to XYG's pre...