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Wai Xing Nu Sheng Chai Xiao Qi: With Peng Wan, Thassapak Hsu, Meng Zhang, Yixin Chen. In this star-crossed love story, a girl from another planet gets stuck on Earth and encounters a hotshot CEO who suffers from rain-induced amnesia.
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整形外科[zheng xing wai ke,] 英语字典:整(zheng,)形(xing,)外(wai,)科(ke,) “ 整形外科 ”的英语翻译 词典解释 zheng xing wai ke 1.the plastic surgery; the orthopedic surgery 相关词语 整形外科医生整形外科医师整形外科医院 “ 整形外科 ”的其它翻译 ...
The FRRouting Protocol Suite. Contribute to xingrenwai/frr development by creating an account on GitHub.
How to say " E T (extraterrestrial) comes from outer space" in Chinese: wai4 xing1 ren2 lai2 zi4 wai4 tai4 kong1 外星人来自外太空。wai4 xing1 ren2 ( 外星人,wai4 means outer, xing1 means planet, ren2 means people, so wai4 xing1 ren2 is people from outer
*ACC* 021 Wai Xing Ren Also known as *ACC* 041 Wai Xing Ren Languages: Chinese (Simplified) TruckersMP ID: 4891527 Steam ID: 76561199242751281 Role: Player Member since: 03 Nov 2022 09:15 UTC Active bans: 0 Account status: Activated ...
Nie tai ji yi he jin bo mo yong yu yuan hong wai tu xiang tan ce qi de ke xing xing yan jiuKi Cheong Ng
英语字典:野(ye,)外(wai,)旅(lV,)行(xing,hang,) “ 野外旅行 ”的英语翻译 词典解释 ye wai lV xing 1.to take an excursion in an open country 2.an outing; an excursion “ 野外旅行 ”的其它翻译 词典解释 (1)[中文词典] (2)[韩语词典] ...
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