商标名称 XINDESHENG 国际分类 第17类-橡胶制品 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 17222278 申请日期 2015-06-16 申请人名称(中文) 东莞市鑫得盛海绵制品有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 广东省东莞市大朗镇新马莲村云莲九街33号 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期 2016-05-...
喜德盛折叠车,标志是xindesheng,不是XDS 收藏 回复 打赏 115.175.33.* 快试试吧,可以对自己使用挽尊卡咯~ ◆ ◆ 车子一年多了,我姐给我了很奇怪,喜德盛的车骨架上不都写 XDS么?怎么这个是XIDESHENG... () 打赏 真红的熊猫 人中龙凤 11 貌似山寨的吧 淘宝小饰...
WHY CHOOSE XINDESHENG Rich experience in developing blood test reagents With more than 10 years of experience in the development, production and service of blood test reagents, we have a deep understanding of the quality requirements and are able to provide a full range of services ...
XinDeSheng China Shoes Factory Provide Private Label Shoes Manufacturers, OEM&ODM service. Our advanced technology and supply chain help world leading shoes brands to make outsanding shoes! 8 production lines, 1000 workers with annual production 4,000,000 pairs shoes!Contact...
Industry:Chemical Reagents About Hubei Xindesheng Material Technology Co., Ltd: Hubei New Desheng Materials Technology Co., Ltd is a professional research and development, production and sales of blood test reagents. The company has established sales center, production center, research and development ...
推荐理由:短袖设计,透气不紧绷,纯色设计将型男专属的帅气优雅气质尽显,还能很好的修饰整体气色,短袖的设计,穿着利落又很凉爽,翻领的领口设计修饰颈部线条凸显男性干练利落气质,多了几分成熟气息。该款知心德盛(Zhixindesheng) 短袖 男士T恤 湖蓝色 XL,XXL,XXXL,加大目前已有10+人评价,获得了100%的好评率。
推荐理由:短袖设计,穿着凉爽又结实耐磨,融入了几分商务风,可以更好的衬托你的优雅气质,提升你的魅力,携带着休闲时尚的魅力,随性不羁,短袖设计,弧度剪裁,贴合手臂,使得宝贝穿着更加清爽。该款知心德盛(Zhixindesheng) 短袖 男士T恤 黑色 加大,XXXL目前已有6人评价,获得了100%的好评率...
Guiyang Xindesheng Industrial Control Co.,Ltd. 公司地址(Address):贵州省贵阳市遵义路86号 邮政编码(Postcode):550002 传真或电话(TEL / FAX):0851-5759245
诸城新德晟自动化科技有限公司,位于山东潍坊市诸城市密州东路6989号,公司地处山东半岛东南部,东临海滨城市青岛市,南临新型港口日照,区位优越 交通便捷。本公司是一家集机械及其自动化设备的设计研发、生产销售于一体的新型科技企业。主要生产料盒式重量分选机,食品重量分拣机。产品广泛应用于鸡鸭禽肉副产品、医药、水产...
Putian Xindesheng Packaging Co., Ltd. is a professional organization of printing and design services in China, and also a leading supplier of product packaging services in the industry. Xindesheng provides customers with a full range of solutions from printing product design to terminal logistics dist...