The Xin Jie Chen lab investigates how mitochondrial Precursor Overaccumulation Stress (mPOS) affects cell viability, and whether mPOS plays a role in the development of aging-related degenerative diseases.
2018年夏,转职于美国加州大学尓湾分校物理系并建立了以深度学习为基础的人工智能电镜研究组DeepEM Lab。忻获麟教授是电子显微学领域国际上的知名专家,是电镜行业顶级年会Microscopy and Microanalysis 2020的大会主席以及2019年的大会副主席,是...
Xiao Yang, Kai Sun, Hao Xin, Yushi Sun, Nikita Bhalla, Xiangsen Chen, Sajal Choudhary, Rongze Daniel Gui, Ziran Will Jiang, Ziyu Jiang, Lingkun Kong, Brian Moran, Jiaqi Wang, Yifan Ethan Xu, An Yan, Chenyu Yang, Eting Yuan, Hanwen Zha, Nan Tang, Lei Chen, Nicolas Scheffer, Yue...
His work on battery materials has twice been selected as the Top-10 Scientific Achievements in 2014 and 2019 by Brookhaven National Lab. His research has resulted in more than 180 peer-reviewed publications and 1 patent, 33 of which are published in Science/Nature sister journals (corresponding ...
368 MPPNet: Multi-Frame Feature Intertwining with Proxy Points for 3D Temporal Object Detection Xuesong Chen (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)*; Shaoshuai Shi (MPI Informatics); Benjin Zhu (MEGVII); Ka Chun Cheung (Nvidia); Hang Xu (Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab); Hongsheng Li (The Chinese...
368 MPPNet: Multi-Frame Feature Intertwining with Proxy Points for 3D Temporal Object Detection Xuesong Chen (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)*; Shaoshuai Shi (MPI Informatics); Benjin Zhu (MEGVII); Ka Chun Cheung (Nvidia); Hang Xu (Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab); Hongsheng Li (The Chinese...
Chen CX, Gao JP, Wu Q, Guo J, Gu WL. Progress in treatment of chronic heart failure in Western medicine and treatment strategies in traditional Chinese medicine. Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue Bao. 2010;1(8):7–14. Article Google Scholar Jian M. Clinical observation of congestive heart failur...
The observation data used in this study are available from Compliance with ethics guidelines Ke Zhang, Yunping Li, Zhongbo Yu, Tao Yang, Junzeng Xu, Lijun Chao, Jin Ni, Liutong Wang, Yun Gao, Yuzhong Hu, and Zuoding Lin declare that they have no ...
输入regedit打开注册表,在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup右击新建一个项,命名为LabConfig,在该项右击新建三个DWORD (32位) 值,分别命名为BypassTPMCheck、BypassRAMCheck、BypassSecureBootCheck,并将这三个值都设置为1 切换驱动ISO [root@localhost share]# virsh change-media test hdc /home/tool/virtio-win-...
JIE LIANG 该项目重新构想了加利福尼亚州尤巴河下游的一段路段,这条河道由于金矿开采作业而经历了极端的操纵和退化。学生们关注的河段是从 1903 年到 1968 年的淘金地点,这一过程产生了一系列地貌,包括疏浚尾矿、狭窄的沟壑和与河流断开的水袋。 这样一个被操纵的场地引起了强烈的干预,学生们提议塑造他们自己的渠...