Unleash Your Potential: XIM Matrix is designed to unlock your gaming potential by providing unmatched precision and control, allowing you to take your skills to new heights and dominate the competition. Versatility at its Finest: With seamless compatibility for both consoles and PC, XIM Matrix offer...
XIM MATRIX is the ultimate multi-input adapter that unlocks your true potential in the shooters you play on for Xbox Series X|S, for PS5, for Xbox One, for PS4, and for PC! Supports mice, keyboards, for gyro controllers, cross console controller use, and any combination thereof. Features...
登录以回复 最早内容 1 / 1 条九月2024 0 条未读 最新回复 哦哦哦 2024年9月12日 我自己就会改个游戏映射键盘的那几个按键,对这app里面的东西搞不懂。比如舔包的时候想用鼠标左键, 回复 说点什么吧...主机转换器中文社区 已正常运行 841天16小时36分42秒 ...
简介 XIM MATRIX Manager is the configuration companion app for XIM MATRIX. XIM MATRIX is our ultimate multi-input adapter that unlocks your true potential in the shooters you play on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC! Supports mice, keyboards, gyro controllers...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现美国原装XIM MATRIX PS5/Xbox/PS4键鼠转换器手柄转换的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于美国原装XIM MATRIX PS5/Xbox/PS4键鼠转换器手柄转换的信息,请来淘宝深入了解吧!
XIM MATRIX Manager评分及评论 3.5(满分 5 分) 23 个评分 swzrn,2025/01/23 Can’t update It is a amazing app and easy to use but no way to update the xim through the app. I can’t afford a pc so this is highly inconvenient to me and should be changed please. ...
xim matrix 5月到手30个 需要的留下微信或者发私信 贴吧用户_... 哇哇哇嘤嘤 6-2 1 怠的读音 zlw1733509040 诺 5-27 1 这个东西是什么情况,停产了吗?涨价这么多 穿树大宝... 我买的时候也就2,300,怎么现在都要多加1k了? 可爱的雪宝 5-23 3 出最强转换器 Titan Two FT战 出全能转换...
Vladimir Petrigo made a SFINAE hack more readable and added Visual Studio 17 to the build matrix. Denis Andrejew fixed a grammar issue in the README file. Pierre-Antoine Lacaze found a subtle bug in the dump() function. TurpentineDistillery pointed to std::locale::classic() to avoid too ...
Unleash Your Potential: XIM Matrix is designed to unlock your gaming potential by providing unmatched precision and control, allowing you to take your skills to new heights and dominate the competition. Versatility at its Finest: With seamless compatibility for both consoles and PC, XIM Matrix offer...
XIM Matrix Keyboard and Mouse Adapter Macro Gyro Controllers Convertor Shooting Games for PS5/PS4/Xbox Series X|S/Xbox One/PC Description:XIM MATRIX is the ultimate multi-input adapter that unlocks your true potential in the shooters you play on for Xbox Series X|S, for PS5, for Xbox One...