我在Win10上使用Microsoft Store里的iDownloadManager, 在家庭的中国移动100M宽带下,下载速度最快可以到 2MBps。有时也比较慢。 如果超时没有下载完,重新在赛灵思下载网站登录,得到真正的下载链接地址。然后再在 iDownloadManager 里选择下载文件,在右键菜单中使用“changel URL”,提供新的下载链接,可以继续下载。原来...
ISE在Windows 8/10环境下使用图形化管脚分配工具PlanAhead时,也会出现闪退情况,需要替换安装目录下的\Xilinx\14.7\ISE_DS\PlanAhead\bin\rdiArgs.bat文件。rdiArgs.bat文件的下载地址: https://download.csdn.net/download/whik1194/86400515 1. 如果无法下载...
首先是去官网下载安装包:https://www.xilinx.com/support/download.html。 下载这个最大的、支持所有的 OS 如 Windows/Linux 的安装包。 下载完之后,就进行解压。(最好在解压和安装之前都关闭所有的杀毒软件以防万一) 解压完之后,双击 xsetup.exe 进行安装... 等待一会儿之后,就会跳出如下安装界面: 点击Next: ...
https://www.xilinx.com/support/download/index.html/content/xilinx/en/downloadNav/design-tools/v2012_4---14_7.html (Note: Xilinx ISE 14.7 from December 2017 does NOT support the Spartan-3A) To run the October 2013 release on Windows 10: install as usual, then do the following: 1.Navigat...
you to sign in with your Xilinx account. So I did and I went through the whole download and...
Download the attached zip file Extract it. You should now have a file named rdiArgs.bat Copy the new rdiArgs.bat file to C:\Xilinx\14.7\ISE_DS\PlanAhead\bin [参考链接] http://www.eevblog.com/forum/microcontrollers/guide-getting-xilinx-ise-to-work-with-windows-8-64-bit/ ...
酷!近几天使用了Lattice ispMACH4064V, 使用最老的并口ispDOWNLOAD Cable下载线。鼓捣到最后算是可以把...
ModelSim XE自带有Xilinx的仿真库。如果ISE软件升级,可以从Download Center下载更新的仿真库。如果使用ModelSim PE/SE,那么就需要使用compxlib工具编译仿真库。 2. 软件版本和软件更新 Xilinx的软件工具更新很频繁。自从IDS10以后,基本是三个月出一次升级包 (Service Pack),一年出一个新版本 (Major Version)。如此高的...
67893 - 2016.2 Download - Downloading Vivado on Windows 10, the browser states "The signature of Xilinx_Vivado_SDK_2016.2_0605_1_Win64.exe is corrupt or invalid" Description I am trying to download the Vivado HLx Webpack 2016.2 Web Installer for Win64, and my browsers are saying the signat...
Before you download Xilinx Vivado Design Suite HLx Editions 2017, make sure that your system meets the given requirements. Operating System: Windows 10/8/7 Free Hard Disk Space: 30 GB of minimum free HDD Installed Memory: 8 GB of minimum RAM ...