1. PCIE说明 PCIE协议定义了多种设备:根复合体Root Complex,交换器Switch,端点Endpoingt,断就Port,PCIE到PCIPCIX的桥Bridge等。根复合体是将CPU和主存储器连接到PCIE线路结构上的设
从Fig1可以看出这个拓扑结构,CPU连接到根聚合体(Root Complex),RC负责完成从CPU总线域到外设域的转换,并且实现各种总线的聚合。将一部分CPU地址映射到内存,一部分地址映射到相应的相应的设备终端(比如板卡)。 pcie设备有两大类,一种是root port,另一种Endpoint。从字面意思可以了解这两类的作用,root port相当于一...
xilinxPCIE20接口EP端设计总结.docx,PCIE说明 PCIE协议定义了多种设备:根复合体(Root Complex),交换器(Switch),端点(Endpoingt), 断就(Port), PCIE到PCI/PCI-X的桥(Bridge)等。根复合体是将CPU和主存储器连接到PCIE 线路结构上的设备,能带包CPI启动PCIE事务和访
从Fig1可以看出这个拓扑结构,CPU连接到根聚合体(Root Complex),RC负责完成从CPU总线域到外设域的转换,并且实现各种总线的聚合。将一部分CPU地址映射到内存,一部分地址映射到相应的相应的设备终端(比如板卡)。 pcie设备有两大类,一种是root port,另一种Endpoint。从字面意思可以了解这两类的作用,root port相当于一...
X16 PCI Express Root Complex FMC Module More info.. x4 SFP+ FMC Module More Info.. Carrier board to daughter card and carrier board to carrier board FMC cable More Info.. 24-port or 16-port Mini SMP/GPPO / 34-pair LVDS FMC Module More info.. U.2 (SFF-8639)/Display Port/ SATA...
这里所说的Xilinx PCIe仿真模型是指在例化PCIe核时候其自动生成的参考时自动产生的仿真模型,用户可以用此模型来仿真其PCIe设计。这里着重学习为仿真endpoint提供的RP模型,Xilinx称其为downstream port model,简称DS端口模型。该模型框架图见下图。 图中的dsport模块,个人理解是模拟root端,而dsport上方的usrapp_rx和usrapp...
Design System PCI X-actor BFM (in root complex mode) to the PIPE interface of a Xilinx 7 series FPGAs Integrated PCI Express Endpoint Block. When configured with the proper options, the Xilinx PCI Express Endpoint has PIPE ports at the core top level. These ports can ...
X16 PCI Express Root Complex FMC Module More info.. x4 SFP+ FMC Module More Info.. Carrier board to daughter card and carrier board to carrier board FMC cable More Info.. 24-port or 16-port Mini SMP/GPPO / 34-pair LVDS FMC Module More info.. x6 FireFly (600G) FMC+ Module U.2...
The Zynq-7000 architecture enables implementation of custom logic in the PL and custom software in the PS. It allows forthe realization of unique and differentiated system functions. The integration of the PS with the PL allows levels ofperformance that two-chip solutions (e.g., an ASSP with...