修改lwip_memory_options 设置,将 mem_size ,memp n pbuf,mem n tcp_pcb ,memp n tcp_seg 这 4 个参数 值设大,这样会提高 TCP 传输效率。如下图所示。修改pbuf_options 设置,将 pbuf_pool_size 设大,增加可用的 pbuf 数量,这样同样会提高 TCP 传输效率。如下 图所示。
通过STM32cubeMX将STM32F767+LAN8720+LwIP+FreeRTOS的以太网实现 本文使用了正点原子的阿波罗开发板,接下来我将粗略的对STM32F767通过STM32cubeMX进行以太网协议配置。 具体步骤 1.首先使能ETH,模式选择RMII; 2.使能LWIP和FREERTOS; 因为阿波罗的开发板PHY芯片的ETH_DXT1和ETH_DXT0用的是PG13,PG14引... ...
、IP、UDP、TCP的特定调用。 2.xemac_add 这个函数为添加任何Xilinx EMAC IP和GigE核提供了一个统一的接口。这个函数在lwIP的netif_add函数基础上封装的,用于...;main”转移到这个线程。在main线程中,再创建一个线程(network_thread)来初始化MAC层。 对于基于FreeRTOS(Zynq-7000处理器系统)的应用程序,一旦...
I am using Vivado 2018.2 and lwip202, and run the Freertos LwIP echo server. The board was MYIR Zturn Lite which has a microchip ethernet chip KSZ9031RN. Lwip202 was configured as: phy_link_speed is fixed to 1000 Mbps, socket mode and th...
(LWIP) Application Example Supported Device(s): Xilinx Zynq ZC702, Artix AC701 and Kintex KC705 *** Disclaimer: This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by Xilinx, and...
) this includes SEGGER J-Link, TCP/IP(example forlwIP) and USB CDC serial connections.Tracealyzer... The trace recorder included withTracealyzerforFreeRTOS,Tracealyzerfor µC/OS-III and Tracealyzer--Integrated support for SEGGER J-Link