安装编译仿真库使用 modelSIm 需要 xilinx library 被编译。 运行 1: report_property [current_project] 运行 2:Tcl Command compile_simlib -help compile_simlib -simulator modelsim 或 compile_simlib -simulator modelsim -arch all -language all 或 运行 3:安装 modelsim 库到指定目录 compile_simlib -...
并且,当您使用 compile_simlib 来为第三方仿真器编译 AMD 库时,在预编译的库中不包含 Vivado IP 核的仿真模型。 在低于 2014.1 的 Vivado 版本中,如果设计包含 Vivado 中使用的旧 ISE CORE Generator IP,则会包含 XilinxCoreLib 库用于支持对其进行仿真。 这些文件可在以下位置找到: $XILINX_VIVADO\ids_lite\IS...
When I use the command compile_simlib -simulator modelsim/ies/vcs_mx/questa in the Vivado TCL console to compile the Xilinx Simulation libraries, I receive the below error message: ERROR: [Vivado 12-2156] Invalid library 'xilinxcorelib' specified for -library.-library <library> : Specify the...
Hello, I am trying to setup the CEP SoC and run the bareMetalTests/regTest from the cosim. But, I am getting the following error when I run the vivado tcl command: compile_simlib -simulator modelsim -simulator_exec_path {/opt/questa-2019...
Starting in Vivado 2016.1, IP files are compiled with UNISIM and SIMPRIM libraries as part of running compile_simlib (Tcl mode). In Vivado 2016.1, an Early Access feature exists to have Vivado generated simulation scripts leverage the compiled IP libraries. ...
Check compile_simlib.log and make sure that there are no errors in compilation unisim and secureip libraries. Provide the log here also. ~Chinmay LikeReply 231245sonuo749 (Member) 2 years ago Thank u for suggestions. I changed a server to ...
The answer records cover issues which you might face while using Xilinx Simulation Libraries. The answer record also contains information related to known issues and good coding practices. Each child answer records covers a single topic which can be referred to as per your requirement. ...
compile_simlib.log.bak modelsim.ini modelsim.ini.bak testbench_top_behav.wcfg vivado.jou vivado.log vivado_12316.backup.jou vivado_12316.backup.log vivado_17112.backup.jou vivado_17112.backup.log vivado_1780.backup.jou vivado_1780.backup.log vivado_2632.backup.jou vivado_2632.backup.log vivado...
1 0 xc7k70t PLL最大输出是多少? 标签:Xilinxpll 2601 1 7 0 14.3中的compile_simlib错误的解决办法? 标签:XilinxCompiler 5931 7 2 0 是否可以简单地将VDDADC直接连接到VCCAUX和GNDADC直接连接到数字GND? 标签:XilinxGND 2226 2 1... 上一页 24252627282930 下一页 268相关...
compile_simlib -simulator activehdl -simulator_exec_path {C:/Aldec/Active-HDL/bin} -gcc_exec_path {C:/Aldec/Active-HDL/mingw/bin} -family all -language all -library all -dir {C:/Aldec/Xilinx_Lib} Figure 7: Executing compile_simlib command from the Vivado Tcl Console. The above comman...